Applied Mechanics I
To give the students a solid background on the statics of the rigid bodies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Hugo Emanuel Charrinho da Costa Biscaia, Pedro Samuel Gonçalves Coelho
Weekly - 4
Total - 65
Teaching language
Available soon
Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Statics , 7th edition
Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston and Elliot R. Eisenberg
Mc Graw Hill
e / ou
Statics ( Mechanics for Engineering ) - 12th Edition
Hibbeler, R. C.
Teaching method
Exposition of the fundamental theoretical concepts to solve problems in theoretical classes lasting 2 hours. Resolution of exercises selected in a problem book in practical classes of 2.5 hours.
Evaluation method
This semester, MA1 has no component of evaluation usually denoted as Frequency.
The evaluation can be carried out continuously over the course through two theoretical/practical tests (T1 and T2), one practical test (TP), and 5 challenges (within a homework typology). If the student fails this evaluation model or decides to improve the score obtained, he/she can always turn to a final exam.
Continuous assessment comprises three tests (T1, T2, and TP1), and the approval is based on the following formula:
0.35 * T1 + 0.2 * TP + 0,35 * T2 + 0,1 * D > = 9.5 where T1, T2 and TP range from 0 to 20.
All tests are scheduled for a specific date and time.
Oral exams may be required.
If the student does not have success in this continuous assessment component its final approval will depend only on a final exam (E) worth between 0 and 20. The student is approved with a minimum grade of 9.5.
Subject matter