Fluid Mechanics
Learn the main concepts of the Fluid Mechanics.
Learn and know how to apply the principles of hydrostátics, conservation of the mass, momentum, angular momentum and energy in the integral formulation.
Learn to solve concrete problems of Fluid Mechanics in any area of engineering, particularly in the area of Mechanical engineering.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Manuel Paixão Conde, Luís Miguel Chagas da Costa Gil
Weekly - 4
Total - 76
Teaching language
The knowledge of the subjects taught in Physics I, Mathematical Analysis I, II and III and Applied Mechanics I.
-J.M.P. Conde, "Introdução à dinâmica dos Fluidos".
-Oliveira, L. A. e Lopes, A. G., “Mecânica dos Fluidos”, LIDEL, 5ª ed., 2016.
-White, F. M., “Mecânica dos Fluidos”, McGraw-Hill, 4ª ed., 2002.
Teaching method
Lectures and problem-solving sessions.
Laboratory sessions.
Evaluation method
1.The evaluation consists of 2 tests.
2. The final grade is obtained by the simple aritmetic grade of the tests grades.
3. Students must sign up at CLIP for the tests.
4. If the final grade obtained by the student is higher than 16, the student may have to take a supplementary oral test to defend the grade (will be informed on the grade listing).
5. In the evaluation tests (tests or exam) is mandatory that students are accompanied his citizen card. Students should carry only a calculator, white sheets and blue / black pen. The calculator can only be a basic scientific calculator. Are not allowed calculators with alphanumeric memory. It is expressly forbidden the use mobile phones during the tests/exam. Failure to comply with this section is assumed to be fraudulent act.
Subject matter
1-Fluid concept. The fluid as continuum.
2-Forces acting on a fluid. Fundamental equation of hydrostatic. Manometry. Hydrostatic forces on surfaces and buoyancy. Aerostatic.
3-Integral relations for a control volume. Flow rate concept. Reynolds transport theorem. Conservation of mass, momentum and angular momentum.
4-Bernoulli eq.. Instalations.
5-Dimensional analisys.