Solid Mechanics II


The Solid Mechanics II course studies the behaviour of beams subject to pure bending or subject to transversal loadings, accounting for the stresses and strains these loadings produce. Topics such as the partial or total yielding of the beam cross section, the buckling of the beam due to axial loading or the application of energy methods are also covered.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Samuel Gonçalves Coelho


Weekly - 4

Total - 91

Teaching language





Mechanics of Materials, 3th / 4th / 5th / 6th Edition

Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., John T. DeWolf, David F. Mazurek (5th / 6th Ed.)


Teaching method


Theoretical lectures and laboratory sessions.

Evaluation method


a)    Continuous

Two group projects (TR1 - experimental and TR2 - computational) and two tests in campus (T1T2).

Final grade = 0,375xT1 + 0,375xT2 + 0,125xTR1 + 0,125xTR2 >= 9,5 and point b) below must be verified.

b)    Access to continuous evaluation and/or final exam

It''''''''s mandatory that the student works on and submits the two group projects (TR1TR2).

c)    Exam (in campus)

Final grade = 0,75xE + 0,125xTR1 + 0,125xTR2 >=9,5 and E>=9,5 and point b) above must be verified.

The score in TR1 and TR2 in this formula is that one obtained during the continuous evaluation period. Any increase on this score is not allowed during the exam period.

Subject matter

Pure Bending: Stresses and deformations in a symmetric member in pure bending. Bending of members made of several materials. Plastic deformations, residual stresses. Unsymmetrical bending. Bending of curved members. Beams under the general case of unsymmetrical bending and transversal loading: Shearing stress in common types of beams. Unsymmetrical loading of thin-walled members. Shear centre. Beam design: Beams under combined loading. Safety of structures. Yield criteria for ductile materials. Fracture criteria for brittle materials. Design of beams and transmission shafts. Deformation of a beam in bending: Elastic curve. Statically indeterminate beams. Use of singularity functions. Method of superposition. Use of beam deflection and slope tables. Buckling: Stability of columns. Euler''''''''s formula. Design of columns. Energy methods: Impact loading. Castigliano''''''''s theorem. Statically indeterminate structures.


Programs where the course is taught: