Applied Thermodynamics


 It is intended that the students develop the basic knowledge obtained in Physics II in order to be able to understand and analyze the vapour cycles, the gas cycles, the heating and refrigeration cycles, the hygrometric evolutions and the processes of combustion.

 More concretely one intends from students to acquire the basic knowledge for the understanding and analysis of these thermodynamic systems and processes. Acquire the knowledge of the equipment used in these installations.

Know to do mass and energy balances involved in these systems and in each one of its components. Design thermodynamically each one of these components.

It is also intended to develop in the students the skills of: seek for information and process it, ability to work autonomously, self learning, problem solving, apply knowledge to new situations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Daniel Cardoso Vaz, José Manuel Paixão Conde


Weekly - 4

Total - 80

Teaching language



Available soon


PowerPoints of the classes – available in the course page of CLIP.

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, H.N. Shapiro e M.J. Moran, John Willey & Sons.

Termodinâmica, Yunus A. Çengel e Michael A. Boles, McGraW-Hill, 2001.

Fundamentos de Termodinâmica Aplicada - Análise Energética e Exergética, P.P. de Oliveira, 1.ª ed., Lidel, 2012.

Engineering Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer, G.F.C. Rogers e Y.R. Mayhew, 4.ª ed. Longman Group UK Ltd.,1992.

Gas Turbine Theory, 7th Edition, H. Cohen, G.F.C. Rogers, Paul Straznicky, H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo, Andrew Nix, Person.

An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, 3rd edition, 2012, Stephen R. Turns, McGraw-Hill 

Teaching method

In theoretical classes the exposition of the discipline subjects is made, the participation of the students is stimulated.

In the practical classes problems of practical cases in the domain of application of the concepts are presented in order that the students actively collaborate in their resolution.

Evaluation method



Subject matter

1 - Introduction – Revision of the thermodynamic principles for closed systems. First law: internal energy and enthalpy.

2 - Open Systems - The concept of control volume. Balance equations for mass and energy. Application to boilers, condensers, turbines, pumps and compressors. Second law. Isentropic efficiency.

3 - Vapour Power Cycles - Rankine cycle. Reheat and regeneration.

4 - Gas Power Cycles - Simple gas turbine cycle. Optimum pressure ratio. Intercooling and reheating. Quick reference to Otto and Diesel cycles.

5 – Cogeneration. Combined cycles.

6 - Refrigeration Cycles - Reverse Carnot cycle. Practical refrigeration cycles. The heat pump.

7 - Moist Air – Mixtures of perfect gases. Psychrometry. Hygrometric chart. Psychrometric evolutions.

8 - Combustion – Combustion reactions. Adiabatic flame temperature.



Programs where the course is taught: