Physical Chemistry A


To allow the students  to acquire solid  knowledge on: Molecular Energies, Spectroscopy and Statistical Thermodynamics; Physical Chemistry of Surfaces; Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics of  Chemical Reactions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Nobre Martins Aguiar de Oliveira Ricardo


Weekly - 4

Total - 58

Teaching language



Available soon


“Physical Chemistry”,  Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula, 8th edition, 2006, Oxford University Press.

“Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory”,  Alan Vincent, JW& Sons,  2001, NY.

 “Cinética Química”, João Sotomayor, 2003, Lidel-edições técnicas, Lisboa.

“Physical Chemistry of Surfaces”, 6th ed. , Arthur W. Adamson & Alice P. Gast, JW& Sons,  1997, NY.

“Modern Liquid Phase Kinetics”, B.G. Cox, 1996, Oxford University Press, NY.

“Surfaces”, Gary Attard and Colin Barnes,2004, Oxford University Press, NY.

"Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory", R.L. Carter, JW& Sons, 1998, NY

"Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics", J.I. Steinfeld, J.S. Francisco, W.L.Hase, 1999, Prentice Hall

"Adsorption by Powders and porous solids", F. Rouquerol, J. Rouquerol, K Sing, 1999, Academic Press

"Physical Chemistry, a molecular approach", D.A. McQuarrie, J.D. Simon, 1997, U. Science Books

Teaching method

Lectures and problem-solving sessions, lab sessions.

Evaluation method

Theorical assessment: 2 mid-term tests or final exame. Weight of 1st test: 60%. Weight of 2nd test: 40%. Final exam has 100% weight in final grade. Minimum theorical assessment grade: 9,5 val. Weight of theorical assessment grade: 70%

 Laboratorial assessment (grade >9,5) include 4 lab sessions, oral presentation and discussion of one of the lab sessions. Weight of lab assessment grade: 30%

Final mark: 0,7 theory mark + 0,3 lab mark

Subject matter

1) Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
  1.1 - Surface Tension.
  1.2 – Adsorption.

1.3 – Heterogeneous Catalysis

2) Molecular Energetics and Statistical thermodynamics

2.1 – Kinetic Theory of Gases

2.2 – Interaction of light and molecules. Molecular spectroscopy:
Rotacional ,Vibracional, Vibracional-rotational, Raman and  Electronic Spectroscopies.

 2.3 - Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics

3) Chemical Kinetics
    3.1 – Rate laws.
    3.2 – Temperature dependence: the activation energy.
   3.3 – Steady-state approximation.
   3.4) Complex reactions: Chain reactions, Photochemical reactions, Polymerisation reactions.

4) Molecular reaction dynamics and catalysis
  4.1 – Collision theory.
  4.2 – Activated complex theory.
  4.3 – Dynamics of molecular collisions.



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