Theoretical lectures are designed toward the understanding of laws and concepts of Electromagnetism and their applications to the resolution of real problems. In laboratory demonstration, emphasis is given to the experimental methods of Physics, to metrology and scientific reporting.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Manuel Assis Loureiro Limão Vieira
Weekly - 6
Total - 69
Teaching language
Classical Mechanics
Vectors and maths
Halliday, Resnick and Walker,Fundamental of Physics, International edition, 6th Edition. Wiley.
Teaching method
Weekly lectures (T) each lasting 1:30H.
1 weekly problem solving lecture (TP) lasting 1:00H.
1 weekly laboratory demostration (P) lecture lasting 2:00H.
Evaluation method
TP and P lectures are compulsary for first time attending students;
Students will need:
- to be present in TPs for 2/3 of the total lectures;.
2.1 Laboratory demonstration:
- only available for fist time students attending lectures;
- students will get introduced to 8 (eight) laboratory demosntrations, in groups of preferentially 2 students, and will performed two evaluation procedures. Students should check in advance their schedules;
- During each demosntration students must record the experimental results obtained and having a copy of these that must be handed over to the member of staff conducting lectures.
A frequência é obtida a partir dos:
- a record of scuh data is handed over at the end of each demosnstration lab – pratical perfromace mak (nDP);
- 2 individual evaluation tests - marks (nCP1 and nCP2).
Laboratory demonstration mark (NP) is given by one decimal place as:
NP = 0.6×nDP + 0.2×nCP1 + 0.2×nCP2
Those who have obtained NP equal or greater than 9.5 out of 20 are ranked approved in laboratory demosntration.
2.2 Lectures T -Tests and Examination
- Students may decide either on tests T1 and T2, with marks wit one decinmal place NT1 and NT2, or the final exam, NE;
- Testes arew scheduled through CLIP, require previous enrolment and last each 1:30H. Each test is marked with one decimal place from 0 up to 20 and NT is the average of both test with one decimal place;
- Exam lasts 2:00H. The exam''s mark, NE, is marked with one decimal place from 0 up to 20 ;
- For these tests and examinations, check the information made available in advance on CLIP.
3. Approval
Students will need to get approved from TP and P lectures and NT ≥ 9.5 or NE ≥ 9.5 out of 20. The final mark, NF, will be given by an integer from 10 up to 20 as:
3.1. students from 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
NF = 0,3×NP + 0,7×NT or NF = 0,3×NP + 0,7×NE
3.2. students from former year 2021/2022
NF = NT or NF = NE
3.3 Final mark
- Those students that were succeded can try to get an higher mark which will be available through a dedicated exam period to be establish by the university;
- The final mark will be calculated according to the rules above.
4. Other information
- The lecture course head or any other member of the lecturing components may decide for an oral examination if applicable. In this case, such oral weight will be the same as one of those listed above according to their relative relevance;
- If students final mark from tests or exam is greater than 17 out of 20, students may be required to partyicipate in an oral short examination. If they decide not to be present their final mark will be 16 out of 20. Note that in any case, after the oral examination student may see their final mark kept the same, higher or lower than the one obtained before this evaluation;
Subject matter
1. Electric charge
2. Electric Fields and Gaussian Law
3. Electrical potential
4. Electrical capacity
5. Current, resistance and Circuits
6. Magnetic fields
7. Magnetic fields due to currents
8. Induction and inductance
9. Introduction to AC circuits
10. Magnetism in Matter and Maxwell''''''''s Equation
Programs where the course is taught: