Mechanics B


By the end of the course the student should have acquired the skills to:

- Address physical problems in the context of biological systems
- Use appropriate physical quantities to describe properties, states, interactions and events
- Formulate physics'' problems in mathematical language applied to physical quantities
- Recognize the usefulness of mathematical tools and models in solving physics'' problems
- Analyze and solve problems in the context of mechanics and biomechanics (translation and rotation of bodies)
- Associate movements under the action of forces to transferences of energy
- Describe using mathematical tools oscillatory and wave phenomena.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Isabel Simões Catarino, Yuri Fonseca da Silva Nunes


Weekly - 6

Total - 84

Teaching language



There are no specific requirements a priori.


  • "University Physics", 11ª ed., H. Young e R. Freedman, Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2004
  • “Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology: Mechanics ” George B. Benedek e Felix M. H. Villars, Springer-Verlag, 2000
  • "Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, Paul A. Tipler, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1999
  • "Fundamentals of Physics", Halliday, Resnick e Walker, Wiley, 2001
  • “Vibrations and Waves”, G. C. King, Wiley, 2009.
  • “Vibrações e Ondas”, J. P. Silva, IST Press, 2012.
  • “Vibrations and Waves”, P. French, Norton, 1971


Teaching method

The course is organized in lectures where the theory is presented, problem-solving sessions where problems are discussed with the instructor, and laboratory sessions.

Evaluation method

Assessment Methods

The assessment in “Mechanics” fits into the Continuous Assessment type on a scale of 0 to 20 values.

Theoretical Component:

The theoretical component classification (NT) is the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the 2 tests or the classification of the final exam. All ratings will be rounded to the nearest tenth.

Students who obtain an NT rating equal to or greater than 9.5 will pass the theoretical component.

In tests and in the Exam, the use of non-programmable calculating machines may be allowed, as well as a manuscripted one-page A4.


Frequent questionnary will challenge the study, being available on Teams platform. Its average grading NF contributing to final grade.


Theoretical-Practical Component:

Active participation in at least 2/3 of the theoretical-practical classes (problems) from the 2nd class onwards is mandatory. Justifications for eventual absences from theoretical-practical classes will not be accepted. Students must manage the possibility of not being able to attend 1/3 of the classes in order to be able to use these absences for eventual commitments or imponderable situations, including occasional situations of illness.


Practical Component:

Active participation in at least 2/3 of the laboratory classes is mandatory. Justifications for eventual absences from theoretical-practical classes will not be accepted. Students must manage the possibility of not being able to attend 1/3 of the classes in order to be able to use these absences for eventual commitments or imponderable situations, including occasional situations of illness.

In laboratory classes, students will carry out 4-5 assignments (TL) and fill in the respective registration sheet. A complete report of the last performed TLs will be delivered, which will be assigned a rounded classification to the units (NRel). Protocols are to be followed for the first labs but not for the last, the students being challenged for its contents. The remaining TL will be assigned a classification (NTL) rounded off to the units.

The classification of the practical component (NP) is the result of the following weights, rounded to units:

  1. 50% TL;
  2. 50% Rel;

Students who attended minimum classes and obtain an NP rating equal to or greater than 9.5 are approved in the practical component. The frequency obtained within the two previous academic years is valid in the current academic year.

Final Grade

The final grade of students is the result of the following weightings approximated to the units:

  • 60% NT;
  • 25% NP;
  • 15% NF.

Subject matter

1. Introduction.
1.1 Recap notions of kinematics
1.2 Recap notions of dynamics

2. Mechanics
2.1 Work and kinetic energy
2.2 Potential energy and energy conservation
2.3 Linear momentum, Impulse, Collisions
2.4 Rigid body rotation
2.5 Dynamics of rotational motion
2.6 Equilibium

3. Vibrations and Waves
3.1 Dumped and driven oscillators
3.2 Normal modes
3.3 Propagating waves
3.4 Interferences


Programs where the course is taught: