Computer Aided Technical Drawing
- To draw the orthogonal projections of a given part, using the European Method.
- To choose the cutting planes and section planes, necessary for a perfect understanding of the parts. To recognize the drawing elements that must not be cut.
- To know how to draw the most common connection elements and their conventional representations.
- To do the dimensioning of the drawing, representing the main, the secondary and the position dimensions.
- Apply all previous knowledge using a CAD tool.
- To buid a 3D model from the orthogonal projections of a given part, using a CAD tool.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Guilherme António Rodrigues Lavareda
Weekly - 3
Total - 36
Teaching language
Basic knowledge of drawing and geometry.
Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 operative systems.
• L. Veiga da Cunha, "Desenho Técnico", 17ª Edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (2017).
• Arlindo Silva, João Dias e Luís Sousa, "Desenho Técnico Moderno", 11ª Edição, Lidel (2011).
• Tutorial Books, "NanoCAD 5.0 Basics Tutorial", Draft2digital (2021).
Teaching method
Part I - Initial part of the lesson with exposition of the subjects unsing examples drawn on the blackboard. Final part with execution of a drawing by the students where they apply the knowledge acquired in the lesson''''s initial part.
Part II - Initial part of the lesson with introduction to the subjects using specialized software and a projector. Final part with execution of a drawing in computer by the students where they apply the knowledge acquired in the previous part.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method
a) Continuous Assessment (CA):
- 2 tests (T1, T2).
- exam exemption:
Test grade average (MT) greater than 9.5.
b) Final Exam (E)
Final Score (NF):
- With exam exemption: MT.
- Without exam exemption: E.
Final notes:
In any evaluation test (within CA or E), a complementary oral test may be required by teachers to clarify students´ knowledge or defend a grade.
Subject matter
- Introduction. Technical pencils and pens. Types and thicknesses of lines used in Technical Drawing. NP standards.
- Orthogonal Projections. ISO and ANSI standards. Choice of necessary and sufficient views.
- Representation of Cuts and Sections. Cut types. Cuts in conventional representation and elements that are not cut lengthwise.
- Dimensioning: dimension types and their location. Tolerances.
- Drawing of Connecting Elements. Representation of threaded parts. Thread types. Screws, nuts, washers and feather keys. Dimensioning of connecting elements.
- Basic tools and initial definitions of 2D CAD.
- Two-dimensional drawing commands. Entity design and modification. Entity grouping (blocks). Drawing aid tools.
- Drawing method in two-dimensional CAD.
- Insertion of hatches and dimensioning.
- Introduction to three-dimensional models and shapes. Coordinate systems.
Programs where the course is taught: