Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program


Through UROPs, the student will have contact with scientific research environment and gain knowledge of how research projects work. The student will develop skills in presenting and explaining research results, and transferable skills of working in teams, oral and written communication, and independent learning. Depending on the specific project chosen by the student, (s)he will acquire specific knowledge on the subject area and, possibly, also some
specific technical skills in the project area.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Paulo Miranda Ribeiro Borges


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


Bibliography depends on the students'''''''' project. 

Teaching method

The existence of an up-to-date list of UROP offers allows interested students to participate in real research activities carried out by academic staff of the Faculty.
Given that the offer must be integrated in ongoing research projects, carried out by teams of researchers, it is guaranteed that the student will work in a team, and necessarily given the opportunity to develop skills of teamwork.
From the contact with the research team, which during the intercalary period (between the end of exams and the beginning of the next semester) will be daily or close to daily, the student will get to know scientific research practices of the project. If the work plan requires specific knowledge and technical skills, these are to be acquired by the student in independent learning, with supervision. The communication skills are required, and assessed, in the final evaluation

Evaluation method

Evaluation of the UROP curricular unit comprises 3 components, namely: performance, final report, and public presentation.

 The weights of these components in the final grade are as follows:

 - performance = 50% (external advisor)

 - report = 30% (50% = internal advisor; 50% = external advisor) 

 - presentation = 20% (50% = advisor(s); 50% = president of the jury/Curricular Unit responsible)

Subject matter

The syllabus depends on the specific project chosen by the student in the program.


Programs where the course is taught: