Polymeric Materials II
At the end of this curricular unit, the student will have acquired the knowledge, skills, and competence that allow them to: - Understand: (i) the specificities of elastomeric materials, namely rubber, (ii) the viscoelastic character of thermoplastic polymers and how this character influences their response to mechanical stresses, (iii) the relationship between structure and properties of the polymers, (iv) the need to make the polymers less harmful to the environment. - To establish stress/strain relations for both elastomeric materials and thermoplastic polymers when subjected to different mechanical actions.
- To know: (i) the main commercial polymers, including natural polymers, their properties, and main applications; (ii) general information on the main thermoplastic polymer processing techniques.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Paulo Miranda Ribeiro Borges, Susete Maria Brazão Nogueira Fernandes
Weekly - 4
Total - 63
Teaching language
There are no mandatory approvals in previous UCs required to enroll in this UC, but approval in the Polymeric Materials UC is highly recommended. Approval in mathematics curricular units, particularly those dealing with derivatives, integrals and differential equations, is also recommended.
L.R.G. Treloar, “The physics of Rubber Elasticity”, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2005
I.M.Ward, J.Sweeney, “An introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymer Materials”, Wiley, 2004
I.M.Ward, J.Sweeney, “ Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers Materials”, Wiley, 2013
R. C. Arridge, "Mechanics of Polymers", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975
N.Phan-Thien, “Understanding Viscoelasticity”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002
R.J. Crawford, “Plastics Engineering”, Pergamon Press, 1987
“Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook”, Mark, James (Ed.), Springer, Washington, 2007
Scientific papers
“Processamento de Polímeros – Texto de Apoio”, M.T.Cidade, 1995.
Teaching method
Expository theoretical classes (using powerpoint); Theoretical classes to discuss different themes; Practical classes of problems and laboratory classes.
Evaluation method
The assessment of the curricular unit is divided into two components.
- Theory tests (T)/Exam
- Reports and Presentations (P)
Mandatory frequency to the subject is determined by attendance at laboratory classes, including those given in the classroom.
The final grade (N) is a weighted average of the ratings of all assessment elements according to:
N = 0.4 NP + 0.6 NT
On what:
NP is the arithmetic average grade obtained in reports and presentations related to Laboratory classes, including work carried out in the classroom and performance in practical classes (5% of the 40%).
NT is the arithmetic average of the grade of the two theoretical tests obtained in continuous assessment or, alternatively, the exam classification.
All grades are between 0 and 20 values, and NP and NT grades are rounded to the nearest tenth. To pass the CU, the minimum grade for each component is 9.5.
The mandatory attendance to the subject is given by carrying out all practical activities defined by the teacher.
The Final Grade will be a weighted average of the ratings of all assessment elements.
Failure to attend implies exclusion from the CU.
Subject matter
Sol-gel transition. Rubber vulcanization. Elasticity of the rubber.
Viscoelasticity: viscoelastic models, master curves, time-temperature overlap principle, WLF equation, Boltmann superposition principle.
Brief reference to the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites.
Main commercial polymers. Additivations. Properties and applications.
General information on polymer processing
Polymers and environment. The evolution of polymer materials, natural polymers, opportunities and challenges.