Electromagnetism M


Theoretical lectures are designed toward the understanding of laws and concepts of Electromagnetism and their application to the resolution of real problems. In laboratory classes, emphasis is given to the experimental methods of Physics, to metrology and scientific reporting.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Cristina Gomes da Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - 54

Teaching language





Eager to learn chalenging issues and understanding of the nature


Halliday, Resnick and Walker,Fundamental of Physics, International edition, 6th Edition. Wiley.

Teaching method

The curricular unit is divided into a theoretical component, a problem solving component and a practical part (Laboratory). The theoretical classes will be taught in two weekly sessions (1 h + 1h30) and the problem solving component in one weekly hour.

The practical classes, given in four sessions of two hours, are dedicated to highlight some processes related to electromagnetism with the objective of verifying phenomena and physical processes described in the theoretical classes. They are also used in the handling of "usual" apparatuses (Oscilloscope, multimeter, voltage sources ...).

The practical part is evaluated (30% of the final grade) based on the student''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s performance in class and a brief report delivered at the end of the class. The theoretical evaluation (concepts and resolution of exercises, 70% of the final grade) is evaluated with two tests or with final exam.

Evaluation method


Subject matter

1. Electric charge
2. Electric Fields and Gaussian Law
3. Electrical potential
4. Electrical capacity
5. Current, resistance and Circuits
6. Magnetic fields
7. Magnetic fields due to currents
8. Induction and inductance
9. Introduction to AC circuits
10. Magnetism in Matter and Maxwell''''''''s Equation