Logic Systems II


Based on the basic knowledge acquired in Logic Systems I, this discipline aims to give the student a more detailed view on the way computers work, thus contributing to demystify the "box".
Students will learn the basic skills of algorithm development who will become an handy tool to support the work to be done in several disciplines throughout their course.
The concept of microprocessor (CPU - Central Processing Unit) is presented based on the knowledge previously acquired in Logic Systems I. A more detailed analysis of the operation of the microprocessors will be supplied.
Small projects will be developed that will allow the understanding of the operation of the components that constitute the heart of the computer.

Analysis of 8 bit microprocessors
Basic microprocessor concepts
Assembly programming
Suboutines, interrupts.

Algorithm specification: fluxograms and pseudo-code.
Basic Assembly programming
Specification, Development and implementation of microproccessor architectures

Written and oral communication skills
Demonstration skills
Produce reports of analysis, design and implementation of a solution
Work management, time management and delivery deadlines
Teamwork and team participation

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Paulo Branquinho Pimentão, Pedro Alexandre da Costa Sousa


Weekly - 4

Total - 63

Teaching language



No required previous courses.



•Digital Circuits and Microprocessors
Herbert Taub, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Electrical Engineering Series, ISBN 0-07-066595-8

•The Art of Assembly Programming

•Slides da disciplina disponíveis no Moodle /Discipline slides available on the discipline webpage on Moodle

Alternativa a Digital Circuits and Microprocessors /Alternative to Digital Circuits and Microprocessors

•Arquitectura de Computadores

José Delgado e Carlos Ribeiro, FCA Editora de Informática, Lda., ISBN 987-972-722-245-2

Teaching method

Lectures and practical classes

Evaluation method

Theoretical evaluation:

2 tests each weighing 33% in the final grade. Minimum test average score is 9.5

Exam may be taken as an alternative to the tests, with a weight in the final grade of 66% minimum grade 9.5

Practical Evaluation:

Group work 34% in the final grade

In the case of passing tests, admission to the exam is an improvement and must be formally requested at the Faculty office.

Degrees obtain in the previous edition may be used this semester.

Subject matter

• Register Transfer architectures
• 8 / 16 bits  Microprocessors Study  
• Basic concepts of microprocessors
• Fundamentals of microsystems
• Construction of a basic microprocessor  
• Specification of algorithms
• Microprocessor topics


Programs where the course is taught: