High Perfomance Computing


Knowledge and understanding goals:

  • Parallel architectures
  • Parallel programming paradigms
  • General parallel algorithm design methodologies
  • Problem-type specific parallel algorithmic strategies
  • Techniques to optimize the performance of parallel algorithms in the studied parallel architectures

Know how to:

  • Optimize sequential programs
  • Implement parallel algorithms to handle compute-intensive or data-intensive applications on GPU(s)(CUDA or OpenCL) and/or on distributed memory architectures (MPI or Spark). 
  • Measure and analyze the performance of a parallel computation.



  • Reason about and critically evaluate the algorithmic and technological alternatives available for solving a problem.
  • Design a solution for a problem a before going into the implementation phase.
  • Team work.
  • Structure and write project reports.




General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Manuel dos Santos Lourenço


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Students should have knowledge about computer architecture, computer networks, and operating systems, and good programming skills. The exercises will use the C/C++ and Java programming languages.


As usual in HPC courses, there is no required textbook. There are several books that cover the fundamental concepts of HPC. A list follows:

  • P Pacheco.An Introduction to Parallel Programming. 2nd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann,2022
  • T Sterling, M Brodowicz, M Anderson. High Performance Computing - Modern Systems and Practices. Morgan Kaufmann, 2017. 
  • T Rauber and G Rünger. Parallel Programming for Multicore and Cluster Systems. Springer, 2013
  • Ian Foster. Designing and Building Parallel Programs. Addison-Wesley, 1995, 

GPU computing:

  • NVIDIA documentation
  • J Sanders, Edward Kandrot, CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming, Addison-Wesley, 2010

Data-intensive computing:

  • A Shook and D Miner. MapReduce Design Patterns. O’Reilly Media, 2012
  • High Performance Spark. O’Reilly Media, 2017

Teaching method

The lectures aim to present the course''s concepts topics and discuss the most relevant questions.

The lab sessions take place in a general purpose lab with access to PCs (which are multicore) that enable the execution of the shared memory programming exercises. Concerning the programming of GPUs and of distributed memory architectures, a cluster of multiple machines equipped with multicore processors and NVIDIA GPUs is accessible.

All laboratorial exercises are available from a GIT repository and include all software dependencies (other than the needed programming languages). They also include automated tests to help the student assess the correctness of its implementations.

Evaluation method

Evaluation elements

Two intermediate tests or final exam (60% of the final grade). The tests have the same relative weight.

Two programming assignments/projects (40% of the final grade). The assignments have the same relative weight.

Participation in the Course activities (lectures, labs, forums, etc) (5% extra to the final grade).  Once published, this extra will not be revised.

All grades are rounded to the nearest hundredths.


Average of the grades of the programming assignments >=  8.50.

Final grade

NTP = average of the grade of the tests or grade of the final exam.

NP = average of the grades of the programming assignments.

NPA = extra for participation in the Course activities. 


if NTP <8.509 then Final Grade = NTP

else Final Grade = min( NTP*0.6 + NP*0.4 + NPA*0.05 , 20 )

Subject matter


  • Why Parallel Computing?
  • Why High Performance Computing?
  • The convergence of the Big Compute and Big Data trends of thought

Fundamentals of Parallel Computing

  • Parallel Architectures
  • Parallel Performance
  • Parallel Programming Paradigms
  • Designing Parallel Algorithms 

Parallel Computing

  • Parallel Programming Patterns and Strategies
  • Shared Memory Processing
  • GPU Computing
  • Message-passing programming

Data-Centric High Performance Computing

  • MapReduce
  • Apache Spark

Parallel Algorithms (Putting it All Together)

  • Graph processing algorithms
  • Machine learning algorithms

The Future of High Performance Computing

  • Challenges in the industry
  • Open research topics


Programs where the course is taught: