Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics



- Impact of communications and information technologies in the society

- Ethics and applied ethics related to the aspects of design, build, deployment and usage of modern communication and information systems


- Analysis of controversies and ethical impacts of communication and information technology

- Awareness on the social implications of technology

Soft Skills:

- learn how to research social sciences subjects

- oral and written presentation skills

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vasco Miguel Moreira do Amaral


Weekly - 4

Total - 28

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Michael J. Quinn, “Ethics for the Information Age,” Pearson, 8th Edition, 2020

Each theme will be covered with more references; the appropriate place to find them is the online documentation of the course.

Teaching method

The course comprises any or all of the following: lectures, seminars conducted by instructors or invited speakers, and films (followed by debates). References to papers and themes for research will be provided to support the written group work. 

Evaluation method

Final grade for the course

The grade for each assessment component is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 (rounded to the nearest tenth). Only the final grade will be rounded to the nearest integer.

Assessment components

T - Written test [or Exam], in person, without consultation.

Q - 10 Quizzes, 1 quiz taken on the subject''s Moodle portal at the end of each week.

P1 - Participation in organizing events (lectures, workshops, conferences) on the subject''s topics, provided they are duly authorised by the subject''s lecturer and only count once.

P2 - Attending an event (lectures, workshops, conferences) on the subject''s topics, provided it is duly authorised by the subject''s lecturer and only counts once.

Assessment formula

(option 1) NF= T , to pass the course unit T >= 9.5

(option 2) NF=0.9*T+0.1*Q , to pass the course unit T >= 9.5 and NF >= 9,5

The final grade to be considered will be the higher of the two options.

The final grade may be increased by 0.5 marks if P1 or 1 mark if P2 (only one of the two). If the final grade exceeds 20, the student will receive a mark of 20.

Additional notes

1- T will last 3 hours

2- The T will cover all the material presented in class (including guest speakers) until the week before the test.

3- The use of any consultation materials or electronic equipment of any kind is not authorised for the T exam.

4- The test takes place on the date and at the time announced on CLIP and on the course portal on moodle.

Subject matter

Introduction - an overview of the evolution of digital technology and of the social impact of technology

Morals, ethics and the law

The impact of digital communications on privacy and human interaction

Security and privacy, computer hacking, cybercrime

Intelectual property and plagiarism

Privacy and protection of individual data

The impact of the digital in the society – highlights: Internet and AI

Social networks and their social impact

Professional Ethics


Programs where the course is taught: