Multimedia Computing
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General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Manuel Robalo Correia
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
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Teaching method
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Evaluation method
1. Two mid-term written individual tests (T1 and T2) without consultation and withour calculator or other device (50%) , each test 25% + 2. Practical component (Trab) with two main deliverables: [a. Specification + State of Art b. Code + Report] (50%) Both deliverables of the practical component are jointly evaluated at the end of the project.
Minimum score: 9.5 for each component (1. average of T1 and T2 and 2. Trab). Students approved in the project and not approved in the tests may also do a final exam, and the resulting grade replaces the grades of the tests in the final grade evaluation.
The tests and the exam are in person.
NotaT is the average of the scores of T1 e T2 or the exam score (Ex).
F = 0.5 * Trab + 0.5 * NotaT
All scores (F, Trab, Ex, T1, T2, NotaT) are rounded to the nearest hundredths, except the final grade (F) which is rounded to the nearest integer.
Subject matter
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