Preparation of MSc Dissertation / Project of Computer Science and Engineering


The dissertation work for the Master in Computer Science and Engineering conforms with the requirements of item b) of number 1, Art 20º of DL 65/2018, and consists of an individual research and / or development work which explores the knowledge acquired in the whole program, original, and specifically identified for that purpose.
The goal of this CU consists in the development of preliminary work for the development of the dissertation / Project in Computer Science and Engineering, including a study of the state of the art and the elaboration of a work plan.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Manuel Ribeiro Preguiça, Teresa Isabel Lopes Romão


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Depends on each specific dissertation/project work.

Teaching method

The work leading to the master dissertation / project in Computer Science Engineering develops in two consecutive phases. In this CU (with the duration of one term, but in partial time of approximately 40%) the student develops preliminary work for the dissertation / project theme and presents a written report, including a plan of the work needed to conclude the master dissertation / project work.

Evaluation method

In this CU the student develops preliminary work for the dissertation / project theme and presents a written report, including the state of the art and a plan of the work needed to conclude the master dissertation / project work.

This report is discussed and evaluated in a public session by an interim jury that validates and possibly proposes suggestions for improving the future work. Follows the second phase (duration of one term, with full time dedication). To continue the master''''''''''''''''s work (in the Dissertation curricular unit), the students must be approved during the public presentation.


 The evaluation of this CU will focus on the oral presentation and discussion and the report, including in this case the valuation of the organization and structure, style and correction of the writing, context of the theme, related work, critical assessment of the related work, quality of the technical/scientific contents, description of the evaluation methodology, and work plan.

Subject matter

Development of the work leading to the elaboration of a master dissertation in Computer Science and Engineering.


Programs where the course is taught: