Machine Design
Introduction to the design of complex mechanical systems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Gabriel Marques Duarte dos Santos, António José Freire Mourão
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Recommended precedents:
Applied Mechanics I, Applied Mechanics II, Solid Mechanics I, Solid Mechanics II, Machine Organs I, Fluid Dynamics I, Applied Thermodynamics, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Systems Theory, Project Theories and Methodologies.
Joseph Edward Shigley & Charles R. Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill International Editions. - George E. Dieter & Linda C. Schmidt, Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill International Editions. - Stephen J. Derby, Design of Automatic Machinery (Dekker Mechanical Engineering), Marcel Dekker, N.Y., 2005 - Geoffrey Bothroyd, Assembly Automation and Product Design (2nd. Ed.), Taylor and Francis, N.Y., 2005. - Desenho Técnico – Luís Veiga da Cunha – Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; - Desenho Técnico Moderno – Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa – Ed. Lidel. - Colectânea de manuais técnicos e de normas. |
- Bibliografia de todas as Disciplinas que antecedem a Disciplina de Projecto de Máquinas
Teaching method
In each class, indications are given for carrying out the tasks corresponding to each stage of the project that students will develop to present, in the next class, the results (project specifications; functional structure; principles for solutions; modular composition; preliminary project and final project) , corresponding to this step. In each class, doubts are also clarified and the results related to the previous stages are analyzed
Evaluation method
Given the nature of the Machine Design curricular unit, the assessment that is defined consists of the following elements:
A1) Presentation of preliminary projects in the middle of the semester (conceptual project and functional design), which is called "Intermediate Presentation" students present several solution proposals that are discussed with the teachers, who represent the project''''''''s client.
A2) In addition to the presentation of the preliminary projects, a report is delivered with the description and justification of the proposed solutions.
This assessment component (A1 and A2) corresponds to approximately 25% of the final grade.
B1) Final presentation of the projects, where the work developed during the semester is shown (preliminary projects, design of strength and rigidity; technical elements and drawings for manufacturing, etc.).
B2) Delivery of a final report describing and justifying the options taken throughout the design process.
This assessment component (B1 and B2) corresponds to approximately 60% of the final grade.
C) Participation in classes, interventions, commitment and attitude towards work are also components considered in the evaluation.
This evaluation component (C) corresponds to approximately 15% of the final classification.
Subject matter
Descriptive study of automated production lines (with case studies):
- Typical specifications
- Operating machines by function
- Operating machines by transfer method
- Conveying systems
- Devices for feeding, sorting, packaging and labeling
- Pick & place devices and industrial robots
- Manufacturing cells and the concept of group technology
- Actuators and sensors
Problem-solving sessions:
Elaboration of plans of large mechanical systems, seeking to simulate design situations close to reality, integrating conceptual issues, production technologies, optimization, automation, selection of components and materials.