The main objective of this curricular unit is to present and understand the fundamentals of Aerodynamics in order to analyze not only subjects in the scope of Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering, but also related to aerodynamics applied to buildings.
It is an application of the knowledge already acquired in disciplines such as Fluid Dynamics I and II, where the understanding of some points addressed throughout the course of the curricular unit will require the deepening of some Fluid Dynamics sujects.
Introduction to the aerodynamic wind tunnel experimental method
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Duarte Manuel Salvador Freire Silva de Albuquerque, Luís Miguel Chagas da Costa Gil
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
The programme assumes that the student masters the matters studied in «Dinâmica dos Fluidos I and II» (code 3658).
Teaching method
In theoretical classes the exposition of the discipline subjects is made, the participation of the students is stimulated. In the practical classes problems and simulated practical cases in the domain of application of the concepts are presented in order that the students actively collaborate in their resolution.
In classes and outside them a tutorial accompaniment of the students is made for the accomplishment of the works of disciplines. The works of discipline have as starting point the information research, appealing to conventional or on line libraries, or wind tunnel laboratory measurements, and culminate with the submission of a final report and a public presentation.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of the curricular unit contains two little projets, a theoretical work and a practical work. To obtain approval students must attend at least 2/3 of the classes (theoretical and practical). And deliver, present and discuss the work respecting the dates scheduled for such.
The weights assigned to each assessment will be:
Subject matter
- Superposition of elementary plane potential flows
- Kutta – Joukowski theorema
- Magnus effect
- Aerofoil Theory
II. Compressible Floww
- Compressible Duct Flow with Friction
-Frictionless Duct Flow with Heat Transfer
- Turbulent jets types
- confined and unconfined jets
- Jets with and without crossflow presence
- Wind tunnels
- Flow Visualization principles
- Scalar, velocity, force and shear measurements