Computer Aided Production


One of the main objectives is to familiarize and transmit knowledge to the students concerning enabling technologies for computer assisted production, establishing the links between the design of the product, the process plan and manufacturing, programming the production equipments.

The central focus is the NC programming of the machine-tools using CAD/CAM systems, namelly SolidCAM and SolidWorks CAM, integrated into Solidworks. The students will develop a project involving a design and development of a product, followed by the preparation of the process plans to manufacture it.


At the end of this path, the student should demonstrate a fluent knowledge of:

- Fundamental principles of Integrated Product Development (IPD)
- CNC Programming Systems
- Engineering calculations
- Team working organization


- Ability to evaluate and select technical solutions for maufacturing
- Project development involving CNC machining
- Team work management

Soft skills

- Team working
- Time management
- Writing skills
- Presentation skills
- Critical thinking skills

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Miguel Araújo Machado, Telmo Jorge Gomes dos Santos


Weekly - 4

Total - 68

Teaching language



Being an integrative course the students must have a stgrong knowledge in Strength of Materials, Mechanical Design and Process Technologies, especially in machnining.


Ref.1 - M.P Groover e E.W. Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall, Englewoods Clifs, 1984

Ref.2 - C. Relvas, Controlo Numérico Computorizado: Conceitos Fundamentais
Publindústria, Edições Técnicas, 2000

Ref.3 - Techniques de L''''''''Ingenieur - Biblioteca (Sala de Revistas - Piso 2- T2T50, vol. BD4

Teaching method

Lectures with some tutorial components.

Tutorial classes with Lab work (Hands-on).

Evaluation method

The evaluation is based solely on the student''s work and commitment. The evaluation is continuous and consists in the realization of an eveluation test (T), a group exercise (E) and a knowledge integrating project (FP). This project is carried out in teams of 4 students and developed throughout the semester using the available software and equipment, with the intention of eveluate the integration capacity, their ability to handle complex situations and teamwork.

Attendance at class and active intervention by students gives rise to a major/minor factor of the final grade.

At the end of the semester a report describing the development of the project should be submitted and an oral presentation of the developed work should be made. Students are evaluated individually.

Final grade: 0.3*T+0.05*E+0.65*FP

The student must have a final grade of 10 or higher to pass.

Subject matter

The general concept of Automation. Different types of automation and industrial framework. Factors for and against automation. Social aspects of automation. Production systems. Discussion on the different paradigms of developing products: traditional vs concurrent models. Technological implications of the concurrent engineering paradigm. Planning and computer assisted process planning (CAPP). Fundamental principles of numerical control: Manual and computer NC programming. Discussion on CAM systems. Development of a project using the integrated environment available at the Industrial Technology Lab.