At the end of the course, students should understand and describe: - The basic mechanisms of cell damage.
- The pathological processes of most tissues.
- Pathological changes in the organs and systems studied.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Célia Maria Reis Henriques, Nuno Filipe Dourado Laranjeira
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Not applicable
- Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, Jon Aster. (2020) Pathologic Basis of Disease. Elsevier 10th Edition. Philadelphia. ISBN-9780323531139
Teaching method
Teaching methods based on models of exposition, questioning and active participation. The physiopathology and clinical pathology issues are explained during the classes with special focus on the morphologic and functional normal features. Afterwards, students will be debating the same physiopathology and clinical pathology issues according with pathophysiologic/clinical problems with pathophysiological perspective.
Evaluation method
Obtaining frequency requires participation in at least 2/3 of the classes and a minimum assessment of 10 points in the practical component (see below).
The final UC classification is obtained from 2 components:
Theoretical component: 2 tests (with a weight of 50%) or appeal exam. The theoretical component must have a minimum classification of 10 points and has a weight of 80% in the final UC classification.
Practical component is based on 2 works, reports and/or others. The practical component has a weight of 20% in the final UC classification.
Subject matter
Theoretical classes
Practical classes