Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Students will acquire skills related to various aspects of numerical analysis and complex analysis. They should be
able, among others, to apply numerical techniques in the calculation of integrals in the complex domain, and in
the real domain using complex domain tools.
At the end of this curricular unit, the student will have acquired knowledge that allows skills and competences that
allows him to understand and apply numerical methods in solving mathematical problems, namely: 1.
approximation of functions; 2. approximation of integrals; 3. resolution of non-linear equations; 4. resolution of
systems of linear equations; 5. approximation of the solution of ordinary differential equations with initial condition.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Jorge Felizardo Dias Cunha Machado
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Basic knowledge of Mathematical Analysis aquired in Mathematical Analysis I and II.
- J. P. Santos e M. F. Laranjeira, Métodos Matemáticos para Físicos e Engenheiros, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Lisboa, 2004.
- Atkinson K., An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Wiley, Second Edition, 1989.
- Burden R. e Faires J., Numerical Analysis, Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, 2011.
- Pina H., Métodos Numéricos, Mc Graw Hill, 1995.
Teaching method
The course is divided in two kinds of lectures: general classes, where the theory and examples are presented and problem-
solving, where specific exercises are worked in full detail.
Evaluation method
Evaluations consists in two tests. The average is the so
called "avaliação continua". For students who fail in the "avaliação contínua", there is a general exam in the end
of the term ("exame de recurso")
Subject matter
- Resolution of non-linear equations - Methods of bisection, fixed point and Newton
- Resolution of systems of linear equations - iterative methods: iterative methods: Jacoby, Gauss-Seidel and general case. Vector and matrix norms, conditioning of a system.
- Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation - Interpolation, Lagrange Polynomial, Cubic Splines, Least Square MethodNumeric Integration - Simple and compound Newton-Cotes formulas: midpoint rule, trapezoid rule, Simpson''''s rule, Gauss method
- Numerical resolution of ordinary differential equations with initial condition: Euler, Taylor and Runge-Kutta methods
- Integrals of Complex Functions - Curves or Lines in the Complex Plane, Linear Integrals, Cauchy Theorem, Cauchy-Goursat Theorem, Cauchy Integral Formula, Cauchy Integral Formula for Derivative of Order n, Morera''''s Theorem, Cauchy''''s Inequality, Liouville''''s Theorem
- Residue Theorem - Residues, Calculation of Residues, Residue Theorem, Calculus of Integrals
- Integral Transform - Introduction, Integral Transform Definition, Convolution Definition, Laplace Transform, and Inverse Laplace Transform