Photonics for Biomedical Engineering
-To know about the different and relevant photonic techniques applied to biomedical.
-To comprehend the fundamentals physics phenomena and processes associated with the relevant photonic techniques.
-To be able of examining the risks and advantages of the application of a certain technique in a specific condition.
-Capability to introduce innovation in the current techniques. -Within a team be able to propose and suggest solutions for alternate photonic techniques.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Cristina Gomes da Silva
Weekly - 3
Total - 39
Teaching language
Available soon
Spectrometric Identification of Organic CompoundsRobert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David Kiemle, Wiley, 03/01/2005
Biomedical Photonics Handbook, Tuan Vo-Dinh, CRC Press, 2003
Solid-State Laser Engineering, Sixth Revised and Updated Edition, Walter Koechner, 2006 -Lasers, E. Siegman, University Science Books, 1986
Teaching method
The course is organized into two hours of weekly theoretical classes lectures where the theory is presented, including examples, applications, and problem-solving; and one-hour weekly laboratory classes consisting of experiment execution.
Evaluation method
Assessment Methods
The assessment in “Mechanics” fits into the Continuous Assessment type on a scale of 0 to 20 values.
Theoretical Component:
The theoretical component classification (NT) is the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the 3 tests or the classification of the final exam. All ratings will be rounded to the nearest tenth.
Students who obtain an NT rating equal to or greater than 9.5 will pass the theoretical component.
In tests and in the Exam, the use of non-programmable calculating machines may be allowed..
Practical Component:
Active participation in at least 2/3 of the laboratory classes is mandatory. Justifications for eventual absences from theoretical-practical classes will not be accepted. Students must manage the possibility of not being able to attend 1/3 of the classes in order to be able to use these absences for eventual commitments or imponderable situations, including occasional situations of illness.
In laboratory classes, students will carry out experimental activities (TL). Complete reports of the performed TLs will be submitted and evaluated and a grade classification attributed to the units (NTL). classification of the practical component (NP) is the result of the average of the grades attained in reports (NTL)
NTL is 70%;
NRel is 30%;
Students who obtain an NP rating equal to or greater than 9.5 are approved in the practical component.
Students who pass the practical component and who participate in the minimum number of classes required, obtain attendance in the curricular unit.
The frequency obtained within the two previous academic years is valid in the current academic year.
Final Grade
The final grade of students is the result of the following weightings approximated to the units:
NT is weighted to 70%;
NL is weighted to 30%;
Students who pass the UC with a final grade higher than 16 on the theoretical component are admitted to an oral test.
In the oral test, students can raise or lower the final grade with the guarantee of a minimum classification of 16.
The absence of the oral test translates the acceptance by the student of the final grade of 16.
Subject matter
Chapter 1: Spectroscopy for Biomedical Sciences
Prof Paulo Ribeiro
Introduction: Light and Metter
Principles of optical spectroscopy
Visible spectroscopy
Infrared spectroscopy
Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy
Chapter 2 : Lasers for Biomedical sciences
Prof Liang Dawei
Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiatio
n) types and applications, laser levels and population inversion, laser active media, laser pump cavity, and resonant cavity, pump input versus laser output, laser beam quality, laser applications in biomedicine.
Capítulo 3 - Ultrafast optics and techniques for biomédica
Prof Ana G Silva
Pulsed ultra-fast laser systems. Advantages. Laser radiation and materials interaction. Nonlinear and ultrafast optical phenomena, namely optical nonlinear spectroscopy and microscopy. Fundamental physics and applications to Biomedical sciences (diagnostic and intervention).