Digital Entertainment


 i)Acquisition of knowledge:

Understand the core concepts underlying the cultural and culture-industry use of digital technologies. Interpret digital media taking into account their structural and material characteristics. Discern the role of digital entertaniment in the understanding of subjective and collective spheres of experience. Identify the complex processes governing the reception and production of digital textualities, involving acts of interpretation, apropriation and community participation. Internalize the necessary conceptual tools to articulate a well-founded response to specific issues raised by digital culture, through the analysis of significant digital works.


ii)Acquisition of skills and competences:


Master analytical skills regarding the digital noosphere, not only as infrastruture but also as a means of expression of new social paradigms and new subjectivities emerging from novel ways of understanding the world. Apply analytical skills in the area of media studies and the so-called “digital humanities.” Contextualize digital media in light of the concepts at work in the technoscientific domain of contemporary culture contributing to digital media’s normalisation. Iniate and develop open dialogue between heterogeneous áreas of knowledge production.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Hugo Ricardo Noronha de Almeida


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Available soon

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Final grading takes into consideration:

* The continuous assessment of student participation in class (30%)

* Grading of a group final project (70%), presented in powerpoint or equivalent support. The final project consists of a critical and creative study on digital media, developed in a digital medium/platform/software of the students'' choosing (for example, a blog or social media account, a digital curatorial project, a video game, visual or sound works, a video essay, a podcast interview, a streaming project (if properly documented), or other solutions which the students may propose beforehand). The final project also includes a 1000-1500 words report that clarifies the rational, objectives and conclusions of the project. Alternatively, students may present a 3500-4000 words essay on a relevant subject. In this case, the report is not necessary.   

Subject matter

Structural features of digital media. The aesthetics of digital media. Digital subjectivities: Identity in the digital age. Posthumanism and perceptual technologies: datification, sonification, haptic technologies and virtual reality. The cyborg, digital eschatology and Singularity. Digital culture and the representation of nature. Digital cinema and emergent modes of audivisual content. Authorship, community and modes of production: memes, remixing and virality. Participatory culture, transmediality and fandoms. Industry and convergence culture. Videogame culture: virtual worlds, e-sports and streaming. The "gamification" of society. Artificial Inteligence models and digital culture.


Programs where the course is taught: