National and European Legislation on the Use of Data


Knowing the new Data Protection Regulation is fundamental and necessary for all those who sell or communicate, online or offline, with consumers. In a Master''''''''s course that focuses on “Digital Society and Innovation” and in view of new technologies that increasingly facilitate access, treatment and use of data, it is essential that the notions related to the recently introduced regulation of data processing be part of the knowledge of its students.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Célia Maria Castanheira de Moura da Costa Cabral


Weekly - 2

Total - 48

Teaching language



Available soon


European and National Legislation (available online) – European Directive 95/46/EC and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Erupean Parliament and Council of April 27th, 2016. Law n.º 58/2019 of August 8th.

Documentation will be provided throughout the semester for each topic (to be made available through CLIP).

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical classes (two per week) in which subjects are exposed and where examples and practical cases are presented.

Evaluation method

Evaluation is carried out through two tests, one in the middle of the semester and the other at the end of the semester. There will be some assignments and projects to be done throughout the semester which will have a 20% weight on the final grade.

Subject matter

1.     Introduction. What is data protection. Introductory notions;

2.     Legislation: The European Directives and the General Data Protection Regulation (Law No. 58/2019 of 8 of August): a new regulatory paradigm. Material and territorial scope;

3.     The Principles that rule the processing of personal data;

4.     Rights of the data subjects: Traditional Rights and New Rights;

5.     Stakeholders in the Data Processing Process. The data protection authority (CNPD);

6.     The Data Protection Officer (DPO);

7.     Implications for organizations: Governance and Accountability. Implications of the Regulation for Human Resource Management. Responsibility for the acts of subcontractors;

8.     Transfers of personal data, Privacy Shield and the PNR Directive;

9.     Violations of the Regulation and consequences;

10.  Some Practicalcases.


Programs where the course is taught: