Industrial Waste


The main objective of this UC is to provide students with the necessary knowledge about the industry and the production processes of products and waste, with special emphasis on priority sectors within the scope of a circular economy namely packaging, food, electrical and electronic equipment and batteries, construction, textiles, furniture and chemicals. The objective of this UC is to analyze the life cycle of these products, the production process and the transition to a more sustainable production.

At the end of this course the student must have acquired the knowledge and skills that will allow him to:

- Know European and national policies and strategies for the minimization and management of industrial waste;

- Analyze value chains (products, processes and waste) in order to select methodologies and procedures in order to implement more sustainable industrial processes.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Espinha da Silveira, Maria da Graça Madeira Martinho


Weekly - 4

Total - 86

Teaching language



Available soon


- Martinho, M.G.; Gonçalves, M.G.; Silveira, A.I. (2019). Gestão Integrada de Resíduos (no prelo, aprovado para publicação pela Editora da FCT NOVA, trata-se de uma revisão e atualização do livro de Martinho, M.G. e Gonçalves (2000). Gestão de Resíduos, editado pela Universidade Aberta, e que se encontra esgotado).

- Lindgren, G.F. (2017). Managing industrial hazardous waste- a pratical handbook. CRC Press, ISBN 9781315895161

- Chang, N.B.; Pires, A. (2015). Sustainable solid waste management: a system engineering approach. Wiley, ISBN: 9781118456910

Teaching method

The program is divided into seven thematic modules, which are independent units, but sequential and dependent on knowledge acquired in the previous modules. Theoretical-practical classes are expository-dialogical, seeking to always apply an exercise or practical context to the theory, supported by powerpoint or video presentations, and practical classes include laboratory experiments, exercise resolution and visits to treatment units. waste (whenever possible). The main page of the course is a Moodle page where elements of support for classes are deposited weekly and where applications are found for viewing demonstrative videos, for carrying out exercises and questionnaires or for delivering reports on practical classes.

Evaluation method

1) Attendance
- Mandatory attendance of at least 2/3 of the classes (theoretical-pratical and practical). The study tour is mandatory. Attendance is valid for the subsequent academic year. Working students who are unable to strictly comply with this criterion must, at the beginning of the semester (in the first 15 days), clarify their situation with the teachers.

 2) Continuous evaluation
 - A test, previously scheduled in CLIP, lasting 1 hour, with an evaluation equal to or greater than 9.5.
- A group work, with an evaluation equal to or greater than 9.5.
- Evidence of participation in classes and individual performance in group work.

3) Final evaluation
- 60% test + 30% group work + 10% participation 
- The evaluation for each component is presented with one decimal. The final evaluation is rounded to an entire number, once.

4) Exam (Recurso)
- Students who did not obtain a positive evaluation on the test can apply for exam.
- The evaluation is relative to the content included in the test.
- The final evaluation corresponds to 60% of the exam grade and 30% of group work and 10% participation
5) Improving the exam (Exame de Melhoria)
- The students that had suceed in the course can ask for Exame de Melhoria
The evaluation improvement is relative to the content included in the test. 
 - The final evaluation corresponds to 60% of the improvement exam grade and 30% of group work and 10% participation

Subject matter

1) Societal challenges of the industrial sector 2) Management of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste 3) Policies and strategies applicable to the sector 4) LCA (packaging, food, EEE, batteries, construction, textile) 5) Analysis by sector-processes, waste and by-products 6) Case studies: Packaging-criteria and specifications for reduction, recyclability and biodegradability, especially plastic packaging; Agrifood, distribution, retail and agro-industries-reduction of food waste, by-products recovery processes; Electronic-design for the repair, reconditioning and recovery of critical materials, Key Enabling Technologies; Construction-incorporation of secondary raw materials, selective deconstruction and recovery of construction and demolition waste; Textile and tannery- by-products and biodegradability of end-of-life products; Others 7) Industry in 2050 - discussion of scenarios.