Nutritional Biochemistry


  • To acquire knowledge on the composition, ingestion, digestion and metabolism of food materials and on food-related diseases.
  • To know topics on food-linked sensorial experiences.
  • To know the main standards, regulations and legislation concerning food quality.
  • To be qualified to present, analyze and discuss topics on human and animal nutrition and on food science and technology.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Sofia Rocha Pauleta


Weekly - 2

Total - 28

Teaching language



There are no requirements, but this curricular unit relies on previous knowledge of general concepts of Biochemistry. 


H. K. Biesalski, P. Grimm “Pocket Atlas of Nutrition”, Georg Thieme Verlag (2005)

Tom Brody, “Nutritional Biochemistry”, Academic Press, 1ª Ed., (1999)

 Paul  Insel, RElaine Turner, Don Ross “Nutrition”, Jones and Bartlett Publishers (2002)

Teaching method

Lectures  delivered using Datashow  with  contents  available in the syllabus internet page and  pratical study sessions  which  include  problem-solving   as well as   research and  discussion  on relevant topics. The assessment includes  two individual written  tests and the presentation and discussion of   a seminar.

Evaluation method

1. Frequence to the UC: presentation of an essay and presence in 2/3 of the lectures. Only the students that have frequency will be evaluated.

2. Grade of teory (75%):

(i) continuous evaluation by 2 written evaluations: the final teory grade will be the average of the 2 evaluations and has to be ≥ 9.5 values.

(ii) evaluation by final exam: the students that are not approved in the continuous evaluation can be evaluated in a final exam. The grade of the exame will the grade of the teory and has to be ≥ 9.5 values.

3. Grade of the "seminar" (25%). 

(i) Preparation of short description of the essay with a maximum of 2000 caracters (including spaces) (2 pages) and a poster (A2).

4. The final grade will be given by: Final grade=75% teory grade + 25% "seminar "grade

To obtain approval to the UC the final grade has to be ≥ 9.5 values.

Subject matter

1. Macro- and micronutrients in food.

2. Current name, structure, major food sources of macronutrients. RDA (recomended dietary allowance)/UL(tolerable upper intake levels).

3. Sensory experience  associated to food intake. The fundamental tastes. Olfaction. Other senses associated with flavor. Olfaction. Other senses associated with flavor.

4. Hunger.  Hormonal  controle of appetite. Mechanical, chemical and enzymatic processes involved in digestion, absorption and excretion.

5. Energy consumption and energy reserves in the human body. Basal and total metabolic rates and food thermal effect. Energy shortage / deprivation.

6. Alcohol metabolism.

7. Current name, structure, major food sources, intake levels and short description of the action of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency.  Identification, intake levels, functions, excess and failure situations and homeostasis of minerals. 

8. Food-linked pathologies.

9. Aditional topics on popular diets, food fashions, alcohol consumption. 


Programs where the course is taught: