New Technologies in Mathematics Teaching
This course aims to provide students with a general discussion of the different kinds of technologies availablefor classroom use to promote teaching and learning of mathematics. The aim is to:
Identify new educational goals that become relevant with the emergence of new technologies,
Discuss the conditions for successful integration of new technologies in the activity of the classroom,
Explore in detail the operation of each one of the technologies presented,
Identify the strengths and limitations of each technology,
Develop materials for the classroom, based on the use of technologies studied.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandra Sofia da Cunha Rodrigues
Weekly - 4
Total - 54
Teaching language
Gimbert, B., & Cristol, D. (2004). Teaching curriculum with technology: enhancing children’s technological competence during early childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 31(3), 207-216.
Guin, D., Ruthven, K., & Trouche, L. (Eds.). (2005). The Didactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators, Turning a Computational Device into a Mathematical Instrument. Boston: Springer.
Hoyles, C., & Lagrange, J.-B. (Eds.). (2010). Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain: The 17th ICMI Study. Londres: Springer.
Johnston-Wilder, S., & Pimm, D. (2005). Teaching Secondary Mathematics with ICT. Berkshire, England: Open University Press.
Martins, H., & Domingos, A. (2018). Estatística no Secundário com Calculadora Gráfica (FCT-UNL Ed.). Lisboa: NOVA. FCT Editorial.
Ponte, J. P., Canavarro, A. P. (1997). Matemática e Novas Tecnologias. Lisboa: U. Aberta.
Veloso, E. (Ed.). (1998). Geometria. Lisboa: IIE.
Teaching method
The classes will all have a theoretical or practical nature.
It is intended that students, in all classes, explore various technological tools that can be used in classroom contact for the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Students will be responsible for exploring technologies and creating a set of tasks that can be used in a classroom context, exploring a topic from grade 7 to 12.
The evaluation will be continuous and will be based on:
- the participation and discussion of students in class work (10%),
- the presentation and discussion of a theoretical work (text in research on the use of technologies) (30%),
- the elaboration and presentation of three practical works, to be explored based on the use of technology (60%).
Evaluation method
The evaluation will be continuous and will be based on:
- the participation and discussion of students in class work (10%),
- the presentation and discussion of a theoretical work (text in research on the use of technologies) (30%),
- the elaboration and presentation of two practical works, to be explored based on the use of technology (60%).
It is mandatory a minimum of 9.5 in each of the assessment components.
Given the type of assessment, effective presence in classes is required, absences in more than two classes are not allowed.
Subject matter
The program of the course includes the following topics:
Graphing calculators - functions
Graphing calculators - statistics and sequences
Internet (applets, Moodle)
SpredSheet (Excel)