Educational Psychology
Objectives: to understand and bring into perspective the learning process from the Psychology of Education point of view, articulating the four themes within the teaching syllabus: the students, the teacher, the strategies and the materials thought.
Objectives of the discipline: to understand and put into perspective the teaching-learning process from a psychological point of view
(i) Classes Schedule and syllabus / knowledge acquisition:
* to understand the way in which students go through a series of cognitive, personal and moral development stages and how the knowledge of these stages is crucial for the efficiency of the teaching/learning process.
(ii) competencies acquisition plan:
* to bring into perspective the teaching/learning process , starting from an ensemble of theories/concepts that allow to reconsider the strategies to be adopted by the teacher
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Davide Scarso
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Basic bibliography:
Bruner, J. (1966) Toward a Theory of Instruction.
Bruner, J. (1977) The Process of Education.
Bruner, J. (1996) The Culture of Education.
Flavell, J.H. (1985) Cognitive Development.
Flavell, J.H. (1965) The Development Psychology of J. Piaget.
Nussbaum, Martha, )2010) Not for profit.
Sprinthall N. A. & Sprinthall R. C. (1990) Educational Psychology.
Tomasello, Michael, The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition, Harvard University Press, 1999.
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1. Psychology and Educational Psychology
1.1. The arising of a theoretical framework
1.2 E.L. Thornidike and the experimental education
1.3. J. Dewey and the human interaction
The foundations of growth and development
2.1. The nature-education controversy: the kallikak family and the baby Albert
2.2. The IQ tests
2.3. K. Lorenz and the imprinting
Physical growth and development
3.1 behavioral genetics
3.2. Periods of growth and educational problems
Precaucious Experience
4.1 Bloom´s growth curbe with negativ acelaration
4.2. Krech´s mice
4.3 The Head Start programme
Cognitive Development
5.1 Piaget´s stages of cognitive development
6. Personal Development
6.1 Freud and the discovery of childhood
6.2 E. Erikson and the vital cycle
7. Moral development
7.1 Kolberg´s stages of moral development
8. Theories of learning
8.1 The theories of associationism
8.2. The cognitives theories
8.3 Skinner and behaviourism
8.4. J. Bruner and process of thinking
9. Learning in the classroom
9.1. Transfer
9.2. Learning and modelling
9.3. Conditioning
10. Individual diference
10.1 Measure, variability and correlation
11. Intelligence: concepts and measurements
11.1 History of the IQ tests
11.2. The IQ tests nowadays
11.3. Criticism to IQ tests
12. Motivation and discipline in the classroom
12.1 Motivation and the law of effect
12.2. Levels of the discipline