Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Teaching
This course has the overall objective to create a space for discussion, questioning, testing and implementation of several mathematical models. Based on the approach of the several programmatic contents is expected that students are able to:
- Acquire an overview of the modeling process,
- Develop the model concepts and mathematical modeling,
- Learn the basic ideas and techniques in working with trivial linear discrete dynamical systems,
- Develop the ability to adjust linear dynamic systems to problematic situations from reality,
- Develop the ability to model situations of reality, based on the collection of data using (CBL, CBR)
- Contact with the process of construction and operation of mathematical models in science,
- Promote critical analysis of mathematical models involved in various activities of daily life,
- Develop the ability to frame the role of computational tools in the process of building mathematical models of real situations,
- Reflect critically on the potential and problems of carrying out mathematical modeling activities with students.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandra Sofia da Cunha Rodrigues
Weekly - 5
Total - 122
Teaching language
APM (1999). Modelação no ensino da matemática. Calculadora, CBL e CBR. Lisboa: APM.
Domingos, A. (1994). Materiais para a aula de matemática. Funções e modelação. Lisboa: Projecto Pólya, Secção Ciências da Educação da FCT/UNL.
Matos, J. F. (1995). Modelação Matemática. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Matos, J. F., Blum, W., Houston, K., & Carreira, S. (2001). Modelling and mathematics education: ICTMA 9. Chichester: Hoewood Publishing.
Matos, J. F., Carreira, S. P., Santos, M., Amorim, I. (1994). Ferramentas Computacionais na Modelação Matemática. Lisboa: Projecto Modelação no Ensino da Matemática, Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
Precatado, A., & Guimarães, H. (2001). Materiais para a aula de matemática. Lisboa: APM.
Silveira, B., Duarte, I., Almiro, J., Cavaleiro, J., Reis, L., e Lagido, M. (2002). Funções no 3º ciclo com tecnologia. Lisboa: APM.
Teaching method
The assessment will be continuous and will be based on:
- Student participation in class work (20%),
- The presentation and discussion of the proposed themes (pair work) - theoretical work (25%),
- Carrying out, presenting and discussing a mathematical modeling task to be applied to 3rd cycle or secondary school students (individual work) – practical work (30%).
- Realization of a work under the theme "Modeling in the teaching and learning of mathematics" (group work) - theoretical/practical work (25%),
Conducting a summative assessment test - exam (Corresponding to the items above in which it does not perform).
Evaluation method
The assessment will be continuous and have for base:
- Student participation in class work (20%),
- The presentation and discussion of the proposed themes (pair work) - theoretical work (25%),
- Carrying out, presenting and discussing a mathematical modeling task to be applied to 3rd cycle or secondary school students (individual work) – practical work (30%).
- Realization of a work under the theme "Modeling in the teaching and learning of mathematics" (group work) - theoretical/practical work (25%),
Conducting a summative assessment test - exam (Corresponding to the items above in which it does not perform).
Subject matter
The program of the course includes the following topics:
The process of mathematical modelling
Introduction to the dynamic systems
Modelling in science
Modelling in the society
Computational modelling and tools
Modelling in the teaching of Mathematics