History and Philosophy of Mathematics


At the end of this course the students should have a general idea of the History of Mathematics, as it shaped the concepts, tools, and methodologies of modern Mathematics.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Isabel Maria Oitavem Fonseca da Rocha Kahle


Weekly - 3

Total - 39

Teaching language



Elementar knowledge of mathematics.


Among others:

- História das Matemáticas na Antiguidade, by Fernando de Vasconcellos, Livrarias Aillaud e Bertrand, 1925 (new edition: editor Franco de Oliveira, edição Ludus, 2006).

- A contextual history of Mathematics, by Ronald Calinger, Prentice-Hall, 1999.

- A concise history of Mathematics, by Dirk Stuik, Dover, 1987.

- The philosophy of Mathematics, An introductory essay, by Stephan Körner, Dover, 1968.

- Proofs and refutations, by Imre Lakatos, Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Teaching method

Usual university-style Math teaching with an active participation of the student (seminar).

Seminar + Report + Oral examination (optional): 100%

Evaluation method

The student must attend to 2/3 of the given lectures.


Evaluation is based on one project per student (presentation, discussion and report) and one test. The project contributs with 80% to the final grade, and the test contributs with 20%.

Grades greater or equal than 10 points lead to approval.

Whenever the grade is more or equal than 18 points, an extra examination might be required. If the student declines it, the final grade of 17 points will be given.

Subject matter

- Mathematics in the ancient near east;

- Theoretical Mathematics in Greece;

- Mathematics during Middle-age and Renascence;

- Modern Mathematics.


Programs where the course is taught: