Geometry A
To know the axiomatic approach to euclidean geometry
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Rui Alberto Pimenta Rodrigues
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
There are no requisits
"Curso de Geometria", Paulo Ventura Araújo ( Gradiva 1998).
"Exploring advanced Euclidean Geometry with GeoGebra", Gerard A. Venema ( MAA 2013).
Teaching method
Resolution of exercises
Evaluation method
Avaliação continua: There will be 3 assessemt elements two tests (EP1, EP") and information from classes (AP). Final note is the maximum from (EP1+EP2+PA)/3 and (EP1+EP2)/2.
In ''''''''Época de Recurso'''''''' a student might answer to the questions related to both tests or keep the note from one and answer the questions related to the other test. The final note is obtained like in ''''''''Avaliação continua''''''''.
If a student, using the above formulas, obtains a final note higher than 18, he must do an additional proof or keep the note 18.
Subject matter
- Introduction to computer program ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Geogebra"
- Introduction to plane euclidean geometry: points and lines, angles, length of a segment, parallel lines.
- Triangles, triangle inequality, triangle congruence and similarity
- Geometric constructions
- Rule and compass constructions
- Geometric transformations: translations, rotations, reflections and scaling
- Conic sections: ellipse, parabola e hyperbola.
-Solid Geometry