Petroleum Geology
It is intended that students develop skills in the analysis of surface geological and, especially, from indirect sub-surface data, allowing them a first contact with the methodologies used by the hydrocarbon industry in the stages of evaluation of the potential of sedimentary basins potentially for exploitation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Carlos Ribeiro Kullberg, Ricardo Nuno de Sousa Lemos Pereira
Weekly - 2
Total - 43
Teaching language
To have basic formation at the level of Bachelor on Eng. Geology and / or Geology
Abreu, V., Neal, J. E., Bohacs, K. M. & Kalbas, J. L., 2010. Sequence Stratigraphy of Siliciclastic Systems - The ExxonMobil Methodology. Atlas of Exercises SEPM Con. Sed. Paleo., 9, 226 p
Allen, P. A. & Allen, J. R., 2005. Basin Analysis. Blackwell Sc. Ltd, 549 p
Bally, A. W., 1983. Seismic Expression of Structural Styles. AAPG St. Geology, 15, 3 vol
Einsele, G., 2000. Sedimentary Basins. Springer-Verlag, 792 p.
Leeder, M., 1999. Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins - from Turbulence to Tectonics. Blackwell Sc. Ltd, 592 p
North, F. K., 1990. Petroleum Geology. Unwin Hyman Inc., 631 p
Teaching method
The theoretical concepts of introduced in each lesson is accompanied by practical exercises prepared after the literature and information produced within the Department on a research project related to the Lusitanian Basin, specifically: a) Synthetic interpretation of borehole logs and associated diagraphies b) interpretation of structural contour maps and construction of isopach of potentially productive horizons c) interpretation of seismic reflection profiles on examples from different tectonic contexts d) calculation of subsidence curves e) construction of facies maps on examples of the Lusitanian Basin.
The evaluation is carried out by practical exercises in groups of 2 students, performed in each class (4 of 5 previous work, 40%), three small tests (45 minutes each, 40%) and a report made upon the fieldtrip work (20%). The minimum score for each evaluation component is 6/20 values. Students must attend 2/3 of the classes.
Evaluation method
Subject evaluation is done at 3 different times and in different ways. Students take a compulsory mini-test (TP1) corresponding to the first 3 chapters of the subject (about 50% of the subject), a second mini-test (TP2) about ¾ of the subject and an oral presentation of group work ( TP3) in the last quarter of the article (Chapter 5). In the case of TP1, students may choose, in addition to the mini-test, to deliver 2 practical assignments and their report (P), developed in class, which will only count towards the final grade if the grade is higher than TP1. The final grade (CF) is obtained as follows:
CF = 0.5TP1 + 0.25TP2 + 0.25TP3
CF> = 9.5 values
TP1 = TP1 or TP1 = 0.7TP1 + 0.3P
The frequency is obtained by attending at least 2/3 of the classes.
Subject matter
Theme 1) Introduction to the petroleum geology
Theme 2) Rock properties in oil and gas (O&G) reservoirs
Theme 3) Tectonic struture of productive sedimentary basins
Theme 4a) Sequence stratigraphy as a tool to the analysis of productive sedimentary basins
Theme 4b) Outcrop interpretation of depositional sequences
Theme 5) Data integration; buildup of paleogeographic and tectonic maps