Building Materials


At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

- Know building materials from a civil engineering perspective.

- Distinguish the different types, manufacturing methods, characteristics and application process of these materials.

- Knowing how to determine granulometric curves for aggregates depending on their application;

- Know how to calculate concrete compositions according to the applicable standards.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Farinha da Silva Pinho


Weekly - 4

Total - 38

Teaching language



No requirements.


ADDLESON, L; RICE, C (1995) Performance of materials in buildings. Oxford.

HENRIQUES, F (1996) Gesso. Materiais Construção. FCTUNL

IPQ (2001) Composição, especificações e critérios de conformidade para cimentos correntes. NP EN197-1

IPQ (2017) Betão. Comportamento, produção, colocação e critérios de conformidade. IPQ, NP ENV206

SOUSA-COUTINHO, A (2006) Production and properties of concrete. Vol. I, II e III. LNEC

VEIGA, R & FARIA, P (1990) Revest. de ligantes minerais e mistos com base em cimento, cal e resina sintética, in "Curso de Espec. Revest. Paredes": LNEC

VEIGA, R & CARVALHO, F (1994) Argamassas de revest. na reabilitação do património urbano, "2º Enc. Nac. sobre Conservação e Reabilitação de Edifícios". LNEC

PINHO, F (2013): Use of aggregates from “CDW” and non-conforming fly ash in non-structural mortars. Recent Research at FCTNOVA. 2º CIHEL – 2º Congresso Int. da Habitação do espaço Lusófono. LNEC, Lisboa, mar/13

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical and laboratory classes (in-person).

Evaluation method

Two tests and a laboratory evaluation form:

Test 1 - ...

Laboratory evaluation form - ...

Test 2 - ...

Final grades higher than 16 require an oral exam. Failure to attend the oral examination determines that the final grade is 16/20.

Mandatory presence in 2/3 of classes is required.

Subject matter

Material properties and testing procedures.






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