Georesources and Sustainable Engineering
At the end of this curricular unit the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and competencies that allow him to:
- know and classify geological resources (GR);
- understand GR in a perspective of sustainable development, learning about its relevance for society, and potentialities to shape a more circular and green economy;
- promote responsible use of GR as a mandatory necessity to a sustainable future;
- know distinct initiatives and management procedures in mine life cycle that can promote energy efficiency, enhance productivity, and reduce waste production and water consumption;
- integrate multidisciplinary approaches and project cost-effective solutions to successful groundwater exploration and exploitation programs;
- understand the potentialities and negative impacts of distinct types of energy GR projects;
understand natural landscapes, historic mined environments, geological and mining heritage as georesource.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sofia Verónica Trindade Barbosa
Weekly - 2
Total - 31
Teaching language
Not applicable.
M. Revuelta. Min. Resources. From Explor. to Sustainability Assessment. Spring. Inter. Publ. AG 1st ed 2018. 653p. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-58760-8
W. Dunbar. How Mining Works. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Explor. SME 2015. 224p. ISBN10:0873353994.
V. Rajaram et al., 2005. Sustainable Mining Practices: A Global Perspective. CRC Press 1st ed. 324p. ISBN10:9058096890.
S. Dalvi, 2015. Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Industry for Beginners. Notion Press 1st ed. 260pp. ISBN10:9352064194.
I. Stober, K. Bucher, 2011. Geothermal Energy: From Theoretical Models to Explor. and Develop. Springer 2nd ed. 400p. ISBN-10:3030716848.
L. Smith, 2021. Hydrogeology and Mineral Res. Development. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 69p. ISBN10:978-1-77470-002-0.
N. Kresic, 2008. Groundwater Res.: Sustainability, Manag., and Restoration. McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition. 852p. ISBN10:0071492739.
G. Suppes, T. Storvick, 2006. Sustainable Nuclear Power. Acad. Press, 1st ed. 416p. ISBN10:9780080466453
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical lectures with an emphasis on the presentation of real examples and case studies.
Evaluation method
Oral and written presentation of a real case study (30% of the total final result). Two medium-term written tests (35% of the final result each one) or, alternatively, a written final exam (70% of the final result). All the evaluation elements will be scored from 0 to 20.
Subject matter
GR Classification.
Minerals and metals. Privileged regions. Geopolitics. 4th Industrial Revolution. CRMs. Conciliation of PRM & SRM cycles. Introduction to LCA. Ore, minerals, mining waste, wastewater and AMD as potential multiple sources of RM. Best practices in Mine life Cycle and Mine Closure to a sustainable management.
Fossil fuels projects, peak-oil theory, geopolitics, and global warming. Role of Fossil Fuels in a Sustainable Global Energy System.
Natural uranium. Nuclear energy: negative learning lessons, “clean energy” perspective.
Geothermal systems, low to high enthalpy projects, EGS/HDR DHM projects.
Groundwater resources, demand, conservation policies. Multidisciplinary exploration and exploitation projects, cost-effective solutions, innovative monitoring systems. Practice and innovation in groundwater management in mining projects
Preservation of natural landscape, geological knowledge and mine heritage.