Engineering Geological Characterization and Mapping
Students should dominate several field and laboratory techniques of geotechnical exploration, their benefits and limitations, since they are as important for geological engineers as the knowledge of analysis and design using the parameters obtained from field/laboratory tests.
Besides, they will also gather sufficient knowledge on the application of parameters in the framework of assessing an engineering geological zonation of the ground. So, it is intended that students must acquire the skills that allow them to develop engineering geological or geoenvironmental mapping studies for supporting site studies of civil engineering design, risk analysis and regional and urban planning.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Calé da Cunha Lamas
Weekly - 2
Total - 36
Teaching language
No special requirements, but the previous knowledge of mechanical exploration techniques, and of soil mechanics and engineering geology classes are advisable.
The presence of the students on, at least, two thirds of the classes is required, unless they are registered under a special status.
DAS, BM, 2000. Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering. Brooks/Cole, USA
GONZALLES VALLEJO L.I., FERRER, M, 2011 Geological Engineering. CRC Press
IAEG/UNESCO, 1976. Eng. geological maps - a guide to their preparation. The Unesco Press, Paris, Earth Sciences nº15
SCHNAID F, 2012. Field tests and its applications to foundations engineering (in Port.). 2nd ed. Oficina de Textos, SP
SILVA, APF, 2003. Engineering geological mapping of Almada county and Geo-Almada Inf. Sist. (in Port.), PhD, UNL, Lisboa
PARRY, S, BAYNES, FI et al., 2014. Eng. geological models: An introduction: IAEG commission 25. Bull. of Eng. Geol. and the Env. 73(3):689-707 Springer
ZUQUETTE, LV & GANDOLFI, N, 2004. Engineering geological mapping (in Port.). Oficina de Textos, S. Paulo
Teaching method
Theoretical classes with audiovisual media support (powerpoint) that students can access from the Clip platform. Students must check the references provided for additional information. Practical classes which include the observation of several methodologies of engineering geological mapping, solving problems involving data took from different in situ tests and engineering geological field mapping.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation by two tests (respectively 30% + 45% of the final grade) and one final report about field mapping (25%).
Subject matter
Engineering Geological Mapping (EGM): Origin, evolution and contents; geotechnical and lithogenetic units. Classification; examples of methodologies and related information. IAEG approvals. 2.5D and 3D EGM. Geological hazard mapping and related terminology. Practical application to field studies.
Geotechnical characterization. Field tests versus lab tests. Characterization of sandy soil and clay soils. Weathering profiles. Field mechanical characterization: SPT (correction factors and correlations) and other dynamic penetrometers (DPL; DPH, DPSH). Equipments, test conduction, results and correlation factors of Static penetration cone test (CPT, CPTu / piezocone, SCPTu), Vane shear test (VST), Pressuremeter test (PMT) and Plate bearing test (PLT). Geotechnical zoning based on data provided by different in situ tests.