Metallic Resources Economic Geology
At the end of this curricular unit the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and competencies that allow him to:
- Identify privileged regions on metallic mineral resources (MMR) and understand its consequences on global geopolitics;
- Understand geologic processes and genetic mechanisms of mineral deposits, different metallogenesis models and its zonality effects and controls of mineralization.
- Learn techniques and methodologies used on MMR characterization and mineral exploration;
- Understand the geological and economic parameters that characterize a mineral deposit;
- Know MMR s of strategic importance to recent technologies and their world distribution;
- Identify the potential resources to explore in a region;
- Plan and develop mineral exploration projects and analyse its results;
- Participate in mining pre-feasibility studies;
Perform different functions (technical or administrative) in a mining project during its different stages.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sofia Verónica Trindade Barbosa
Weekly - 4
Total - 76
Teaching language
Not applicable.
L. Robb. Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes. John Wiley & Sons, 2nd ed., 2020. 496p. ISBN: 9781119967507
S. E. Kesler, A. C. Simon. Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. Cambridge Uni. Press., 1st ed. 2015. 434 p. ISBN978-1-107-07491-0.
P.R. Ineson. Introduction to Practical Ore Microscopy. Routledge ed. NY, 2014. 192 p (e-book). DOI: 10.4324/9781315841205.
I. Hore-Lacy. Uranium for Nuclear Power. Resources, Mining and Transformation to Fuel. Woodhead Publishing 1st.ed. 2016. 488 p. ISBN:9780081003077
R. Stevens. Mineral Exploration and Mining Essentials. Pakawau GeoManag. Inc., Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, 2011. 336 p. ISBN 978-0-9867221-0-3.
B. C. Clayton (2015) - Commodity Markets and the Global Economy. Cambridge University Press, 1st ed., 2015. 211 p. ISBN1107616921.
F. J. Sawkins. Metal Deposits in relation to Plate Tectonics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2nd ed, 2013. 462 p. ISBN3662086832.
Teaching method
The teaching model adopted is of theoretical and practical type: i) theoretical and practical lectures with multimedia support; ii) practice on macroscopic and microscopic observation and study of samples related with different metallic mineral deposits; iii) resolution of problems about real case studies on prospecting methods and related with geological parameters important for mining feasibility studies, iv) field visits to abandoned mining areas. The student will have to deliver a final report with the works developed in practical classes (40% of the total final result). Two medium-term written tests (30% of the final result each one) or, alternatively, a written final exam (60% of the final result). All the evaluation elements will be scored from 0 to 20.
Evaluation method
The teaching model adopted is of theoretical and practical type: i) theoretical and practical lectures with multimedia support; ii) practice on macroscopic and microscopic observation and study of samples related with different metallic mineral deposits; iii) resolution of problems about real case studies on prospecting methods and related with geological parameters important for mining feasibility studies, iv) field visits to abandoned mining areas. The student will have to deliver a final report with the works developed in practical classes (40% of the total final result). Two medium-term written tests (30% of the final result each one) or, alternatively, a written final exam (60% of the final result). All the evaluation elements will be scored from 0 to 20.
Subject matter
Abundant and scarce metals. Resources, reserves, reserve base and resource base. Global Distribution of Mineral metallic resources (MMR). Geopolitics, use and control of world MMR. MMR and reserves availability for future generations. CRM (Critical Raw Materials) problematic in an EU and global perspective and the importance of economic geology. Strategic Resources for the Future. Generating processes of MM deposits. Mineralizing fluids, migration and deposition of minerals. Alteration-mineralization. Paragenetic sequence and zoning. Characterization techniques of MMR. Classification of mineral deposits. World and Portuguese examples. Geotectonic framework of mineral deposits. The Hercynian Cycle and mineralization. Metallogenetic Provinces. Mineralizing processes in the active phase. Radioactive ores. Methods of geological exploration. Important parameters of mining feasibility studies. The life cycle of a mine