Food Additives I
At the end of this course the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and competencies that will enable them to develop the ability of interpretation and analysis of parameters associated with processing techniques in the food industry, involving the use of additives (preservatives, antioxidants, acidifiers and acidity regulators, melting salts), further considering possible effects on human health caused by inappropriate manipulations.
In this environment students can dominate and exploit scientific bases that enable the evaluation of detailed aspects and skill acquisition with application in the development of agro-industrial productive capacity, integrating knowledge related to food security and the corresponding public health.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Manuela Abreu da Silva
Weekly - 6
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
- Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2007). Food Industry – Additives and Technologies.
Escolar Editora, 380 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-3]
- Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2008). Food Preservation – Principles and
Methodologies, Escolar Editora, 232 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-227-9]
- Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2010). Principles of Human Nutrition and Food, Escolar
Editora, 647 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-270-5]
-Bonvie L., Bonvie, B. Turner, J. (2020). Consumer's Guide to Toxic Food Additives: How to Avoid Synthetic Sweeteners, Artificial Colors,
MSG, and More. Skyhorse Edditions. ISBN-10: 1510753761
-Spellman, F. R., Price-Bayer, J. (2019). Regulating Food Additives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Bernan Press.
-Zeece, M- (2019). Introduction to the Chemistry of Food. ISBN-10: 0128094346.
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Introductory aspects - General characterization of additives on the technological function; General classification of types of additives and analysis of potential uses in the food industry: Preservatives; antioxidants; Acidifying and Acidity Regulators; Melting salts; Toughening Agents and Coating; Flavor enhancers; Modified Starches; Gases and Gas Packaging Thrusters; Chemical leavening; sequestrant; Emulsifiers, thickeners, gelling agents and stabilizers; Antiglomerantes; Carriers; Agents Volume; Synthesized Natural or Equal to Natural Dyes; Synthetic
dyes; sweeteners; humectants; Flavoring.