Soil Genesis and Conservation


At the end of this curricular unit the student will have acquired the knowledge, skills and competences that will allow him to:

- identify the factors and processes of soil formation and evolution

- know characteristics and properties of soils

- carry out laboratory procedures to characterize and classify soils

- interpret soil maps and describe the main units represented (capability, use)

- recognize potentialities, limitations and threats to the soil as a resource

- adopt a conservationist practice in soil use and planning

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Gonçalo Figueiredo de Freitas Leal, Paulo Alexandre Rodrigues Roque Legoinha


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Available soon


Costa, J. B. 2004. Caracterização e Constituição do Solo. 7ª ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Moreira, U. 2015. Práticas de solos. Publiindústria.

Strawn, DG, Bohn, HL &  O''Connor, GA. 2015. Soil Chemistry, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell.

Weil, R. and Brady, N. 2016. The nature and properties of soils. 15ª ed. , Pearson, New York.
WRBSR - World Reference Base for Soil Resources. 2006.

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures are held using data-show and e-learning methods (use of the Moodle platform). Practical-laboratorial sessions consist of applications on the themes presented during the theoretical sessions, as well as laboratory work concerning soil characterization. Students will have access to all the bibliography and materials (power-points, PDFs) used in the CU which will be uploaded on a web-platform. The T and PL lectures are complemented with personalized attention in tutorial classes, although the teachers are always available for doubts and guidance aspects. 

Evaluation method

2 tests with theoretical part (60%) and theoretical-practical part (40%).

Subject matter

Soil, importance. Soil genesis: climate, minerals and rocks, organisms, relief and time. Profiles. Characterization and classification of horizons. Mineral, organic, liquid and gaseous phases. Chemistry of the soil-water system. Chemical degradation of the primary minerals constituent of the soil. Interference of minerals in solid organic matter chemistry. Geochemistry of nutrients and micronutrients. Biogeochemical cycles. Pedogenesis and pedogenetic processes. Soil classification. WRBSR reference soil-groups. Maps of soils.

Degradation and conservation. Erosion, loss of organic matter and degradation of soil structure, acidification and alkalinization, pollution. Conservationist practices and planning.


Programs where the course is taught: