Technologies for Water Extraction and Use in Agroindustry


At the end of the curricular unit the student will be able to:

  1. Identify and characterize alternative sources of water supply for agroindustry.
  2. Use methods for the determination of capitation, consumption and discharge.
  3. Know the laws of general hydraulic applied to flow in open channels and in porous media.
  4. Identify the components of water adduction, abstraction and distribution systems.
  5. Quantify water and irrigation requirements.
  6. Know the main irrigation and drainage systems.

Know the physical, chemical, and biological processes applied in the treatment and reuse of clean effluents.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Manuela Malhado Simões Ribeiro


Weekly - 4

Total - 104

Teaching language



Not applicable.



Lencastre, A. (2005) Hidráulica Geral. FCT, 681 p.

Jones, J.A.A. (2014) Global Hydrology: Processes, Resources and Environmental Management. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 414 p.

Pereira, L. S. (2004) Necessidades de água e métodos de rega. Publicações Europa-América. 2004, 313 p.

Oliveira I. (2011) Técnicas de Regadio: Teoria e prática. 2ª. Ed. Rolo & Filhos, SA. Beja. 1766 p.

Amjad, Z. (2016) The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment. CRC Press INC, 2016. 530 p.

Ferreira J.M., Brito A., Silva A.R., Sampaio J. Tavares T. (2012) Manual de boas práticas para a execução e exploração de furos de captação de águas subterrâneas. Instituto Português da Qualidade. 79 p.

Mathieson I.K., Knox J.W., Weatherhead E.K., Morris J. Jones D.O and Yates A.J. (2002) Optimum use of water for industry and agriculture dependent on direct abstraction. Best practice manual. WS Atkins Ltd & Cranfield University, R&D Technical report W157.

Teaching method


Lectures. Oral presentations and resolution of exercises. Work field. Observation of water well construction.

Technical visits to irrigation, drainage, water reuse and wastewater treatment systems.

Evaluation method


Continuous evaluation: 3 tests (exams to do during the course) with an overall average result of 9.5 values.

Final exam: In case of failure in the continuous evaluation, the student can take the final exam after classes, during the exam period.


Subject matter

Water and agroindustry. Water use in traditional agriculture, livestock and aquaculture. Conventional and unconventional sources of water. Water quantity and quality requirements.

Hydrological cycle. Soil water balances.

Fluids properties. Head and hydraulic gradient. Hydraulic conductivity and flow velocity. General equation for groundwater flow and simplifications.

Water exploitation systems. Adduction and storage. Well construction. Drilling methods. Efficiency and maintenance. Pumping tests. Well protection and overexploitation.

Crop water requirements. Irrigation systems. Surface, sprinkler, and micro irrigation. Efficiency and sustainability. Scarcity and drought. Own and collective systems.

Drainage methods and network design.

Agro-industrial effluents. Characterization. Methods and processes of wastewater treatment. Reuse of treated wastewater in irrigation uses.


Programs where the course is taught: