Energy and Sustainable Development


Acquisition of knowlegde, ability and expertise (1) Energetic needs and their dependence upon the industrial and economic development; (2) Management of available energetic resources in the short, middle and long run, their costs and supply constritions; (3) Development of the regional energies and development of new technologies to improve the energetic self-sufficient conditions of countries and regions. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Carlos Lapa dos Santos Nunes


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Not foreseen.


Main book:

R. Hinrichs and M. Kleinbach (2006) Energy: its use and the Environment. Thomson, 4th edition, 595 pp. (ISBN0-495-01085-5)

Secondary book:

J.J.E. Santana e M.J. Resende (2006) Reflectir Energia. ETEP, 191 pp. (ISBN972-8480-14-8)

Teaching material made available in webpage of the course at Moodle@FCT

Teaching method

Theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures taught in classrooms with oral communication of the teaching programme and resolution of exercises. Teaching activity supported by a webpage in Moodle@FCT platform where all the teaching materials are available (slides of lectures; solved problems; additional problems; tests).

If there are ERASMUS students enrolled who do not speak Portuguese, the classes will be taught in English.

Evaluation method

Two theoretical tests (TT1 and TT2) and two theoretical-practical assignments (TTP1 and TTP2).

The theoretical grade (CT) is calculated as follows:

CT = 0.50 * TT1 + 0.50 * TT2

The theoretical-practical grade (CTP) is calculated as follows:

CTP = 0.50 * TTP1 + 0.50 * TTP2

The final grade (CF) is calculated as follows:

CF = 0.60 * CT + 0.40 * CTP

Students must complete both theoretical-practical assignments to obtain frequency on the course.

Students succeed in the course if CF ≥ 9.50 points.

Students do not succeed in the course if CF < 9.50 points.

Students are only eligible to take the Appealing Exam if they have completed both theoretical-practical assignments.

Students must take the Appealing Exam if their CT, based on the tests'' scores, is below 9.50 points and they have completed both theoretical-practical assignments.

Students may take the Appealing Exam if they wish to improve their CT obtained from the tests and have completed both theoretical-practical assignments.

Subject matter

1. Definition of Energy. Energy Use and the Environment. Patterns on the Energy Use.

2. Energy Resources. Consumption of Energy Resources. Oil - a limited and limiting resource.

3. Energy Save - economical and environmental considerations.

4. Mechanics and Energy - relation with fossil and renewable energies.

5. Energy Conservation - energy transfer through solid surfaces; energy conservation in houses.

6. Heat and Work - heat engines; yield rates; combustion systems.

7. Thermal Conversion Technologies - characteristics and environmental impacts.