Food Chemistry
Acquisition of basic knowledge about the chemical structures of components of food and basic chemical processes related to the processing and stability of food.T
raining in experimental laboratory work related to food chemistry, determination of properties and analysis of the behavior of several food components during food processing.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa Lourenço
Weekly - 3
Total - 49
Teaching language
Available soon
- Bettelheim, F. A., March, J. , Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry, Saunders College Publishing, 1990
- Coultate, T., Food: The chemistry of it’s components, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009
- Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P., Food chemistry, Springer, 2004
- Fennema, O. R., Food chemistry, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1985
- Barham, P., The science of cooking, Springer-Verlag, 2000
- Lister, T., Blumenthal, H., Kitchen chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2005
- Araújo, W.M.C. et al., Alquímia dos Alimentos, 2ª ed., Senac, 2011
- Guerreiro, M., Mata, P., A Cozinha é um Laboratório, Fonte da Palavra, 2009
- Mata, P., Notas para a Cadeira de Química dos Alimentos, 2010
Teaching method
Teaching methods include:
a) exposure of the theoretical concepts, using the data show;
b) practical classes, in which students are encourage to solve problems which are focused on the interpretation of practical
evidence based on the theoretical principles and concepts studied;
c) laboratory classes, where students have the opportunity to run experiments where they apply the knowledge given in the
theoretical classes;
d) use of a website with study material and documents and remote contact via email.
Evaluation method
The approval to this course implies individual approval to each of the components: theoretical and practical, where each component must have a grade equal or higher than 9.5 points. The practical grade gives the class attendance of the UC.
Theoretical - 75% for final mark
Individual written exam.
Possibility of a second exam in case of failure in the first.
This 2nd exam doesn''''t give the possibility to be used for improvement.
Practical - 25%.
Each student has to do all practical work and present a report on one of them of his choice.
Subject matter
Basic concepts of organic chemistry – bonds and structure, structure representation, functional groups, properties, isomerism, types of reactions.Carbohydrates - structure and properties of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Occurrence and functions in food and its behavior during food processing.Proteins - general characteristics and functions. Amino-acids - structure and properties, the peptide bond. Description of protein structure and forces that stabilize it. Occurrence and functions in food and its behavior during food processing. Lipids - general characteristics and classification. Oils and fats: structure and properties. Essential fatty acids. Polar lipids and their role as emulsifiers.Vitamins - characteristics, structure and properties of a set of vitamins. Occurrence and functions in food and its behavior during food processing.The color in food - key molecules and their behavior during food processing.