Food History
Know how to characterize the food cultures in different periods of human history. Evaluate the contribution of tastes and gastronomic habits of past eras for the profile of contemporary cuisine. Know the history of Food in Portugal.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa Lourenço
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
- Jean-Louis Flandrin e Massimo Mantanari, História da Alimentação (2 volumes), Terramar, 2008
- José Pedro de Lima-Reis, Algumas notas para a história da alimentação em Portugal, Campo de Letras, 2008
- Edmond Neirinck e Jean-Pierre Poulain, História da Cozinha e dos Cozinheiros, Colares Editora, 2007
- Manuel Guimarães, À Mesa com a História, Colares Editora, 2001
- Albino André, A Alimentação em Portugal, AHRESP, 2004
- Vitor Wladimiro Ferreira, Caldo de estórias com letras, INFTUR, 1999
Teaching method
Theoretical introduction to the various issues involving the exposure and discussion with students.
Website with study material.
Field visit to the kitchens of palaces from various eras.
Evaluation method
Presentation of two individual papers on proposed themes.
Subject matter
The primitive food; the use of fire and the first cooking utensils; the primitive cooking; the first cooking techniques; Classical
Antiquity and the early culinary records.
The food in the Middle Age and its products; the Renaissance, the Discoveries and new products; the first concept of public
establishment of food and beverages; social and religious aspects of the determination of food traditions.
The first globalization and exchange of cultures; fusion cuisine; major changes in the table and their service; the evolution of the
use of sugar and its consequences; the table ostentation until the nineteenth century; the definition of new cooking techniques
and new products; the invention of the restaurant and the tourism massification.
Brief approach to the ways for identifying of regional cuisines. The pathways for the study of identifiable cuisines: route of the
goods and the evolution of recipes.