Industrial and Ornamental Rocks



The main goal is to lead students to understand the meaning of mineral resources in society, based on the knowledge of: origin and occurrences of mineral deposits, relationship between mineral deposits and geological processes; economic factors considered in mineral exploration. Dimension stones and parameters to their use; technological properties, mineralogical and geological origin in their evaluation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Joaquim António dos Reis Silva Simão, Paulo do Carmo de Sá Caetano


Weekly - 2

Total - 44

Teaching language



Attendance at units: Mineralogy, General Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Sedimentary Petrology and Sedimentology.


Casal Moura, A. coord. (2009) - ORNABASE, Catalogue of Portuguese Ornamental Stones. online version:

Casal Moura, A. coord. (2007) - Mármores e calcários ornamentais de Portugal. INETI - Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovação, 383 p

Moura, A. & Velho, J. (2011) – Recursos geológicos de Portugal. Editora Palimage, 571pp.

VELHO, J.L (2005) - Mineralogia Industrial, Princípios e aplicações. Lidel-ed. técnicas Limitada, 606 pp.

GOMES, C. (2002) - Argilas-aplicações na industria, Universidade de Aveiro, 338 pp.

MOURA, A.C. (2000) – Granitos e Rochas Similares de Portugal. Instituto Geológico e Mineiro. Marca–Artes Gráficas, Porto. 179p.

GOMES, C.F. (1990) Minerais Industriais - Matérias Primas Cerâmicas; INIC247 p.

Teaching method

The course is oriented in theoretical and practical classes.

There will be field trips to an industrial exploration of rocks and clays and sands.

Evaluation method

Reports (groups of 2) of industrial and ornamental stone tests in the laboratory: 20%

Individual reports (N-1) of technical visitsto companies, industry laboratories and explorations: 30%

Research work (groups of 2) on a topic relatet to the unit tith presentation/discussion in class: 50%

Subject matter

Concept of industrial minerals and rocks, natural rock and dimension stone. Natural resources, inventory . Classification of industrial minerals and rocks. IMIWOG proposed classification. Rock types used in the industry and as dimension stone.Geologic concept versus comercial concept of dimension stone. (Granites and marbles) . Colour, texture, homogeneity in colour and texture. Mineral composition. Composition and origin versus physical and mechanical properties of industrial rocks and of dimension stones. Silicate rocks of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic origin, carbonate rocks of sedimentary and metamorphic origin. Physico-mechanical caracterization. Experiments and properties tests. Rock uses in Architecture. Rock alteration and implications on their uses. Alteration as climate response.Pollution and salinity of atmosphere as an alteration factor. Conservation and restauration of rocks.


Programs where the course is taught: