Applied Mechanics


To give the students a good background on statics of rigid bodies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marta Isabel Pimenta Verdete da Silva Carvalho, Pedro Samuel Gonçalves Coelho


Weekly - 4

Total - 71

Teaching language



Available soon


Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Statics , 7th edition

Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston and Elliot R. Eisenberg

Mc Graw Hill


e / ou


Statics ( Mechanics for Engineering ) - 12th Edition

Hibbeler, R. C.

Teaching method

Exposition of the fundamental theoretical concepts to solve exercises selected in a problem book.

Evaluation method

To be approved in the course, 2 quizzes (T1, T2) must be solved, and is mandatory to solve a group assignment (GW). Additionaly the students solve one problem in class (PT). Alternatively, to the quizzes, there is the possibility to succeed in a final exam (E), keeping the grades obtained in GW and PT. To be admitted to both evaluation phases GW >=8.5.

Final Grade (Continuous Evaluation) = = 0.43 * T1 + 0.22 * T2 + 0.25 * GW + 0.10 PT

Final Grade (Exam) = 0.65*E + 0.35 * PC

Subject matter

Introduction to the study of Statics.

Planar equilibrium of a particle and of a rigid body;

Dry friction or Coulomb friction;

Centre of gravity and centroid of curves, surfaces and volumes;

Second order moments of sections;

Structural analysis of trusses and simple machines;

Internal forces in beams: Normal, Shear and Moment equations and diagrams.


Programs where the course is taught: