Medical Microbiology
This curricular unit aims to provide knowledge on microbial species in the context of Human Health related to Infectious Diseases. It will include the study of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa and it will discuss current topics, such as antibiotic resistance, threats to public health and to global health. Knowledge in the methods of diagnosis of infections and therapies will also be acquired.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ligia Raquel Mendonça Faria Marques Saraiva Teixeira
Weekly - 2
Total - 28
Teaching language
Basic knowledge on Microbiology
Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Pfaller MA. Medical Microbiology, 8th Edition Elsevier (2016)
David Greenwood. Medical microbiology: a guide to microbial infections, pathogenesis, immunity, laboratory diagnosis and control, 17th Edition (2007)
Teaching method
The student is expected to broaden their knowledge in the area of Microbiology Medica by acquiring new know-how and developing a critical thinking for the application of microbiology in infectious diseases.
The programmatic content addresses several aspects considered essential to understand the microbiology that sustains infectious diseases. The unit is organized into six themes, each one presented in theoretical/practical classes. The selected topics are presented throughout the curricular unit and aim to obtain knowledge of the different types of pathogens and associated infections. The inclusion of studies on clinical case will allow the student to correlate and contextualize the acquired information.
The teaching will be in English and Portuguese.
Evaluation method
Attendance and Participation Rules
1-Mandatory attendance in at least 3 Working Group Discussion sessions to access the exam
2-Participation in all 4 WGDS: final Exam grade + 0.5
3-Final Exam Grade- >9.5
Subject matter
1) Human Microbiome
2) Metals in Microbiology
3) Emergent bacterial diseases- epidemiology, incidence, transmission and resistance.
4) Viral pathogens and associated diseases
5) Fungal pathogens and parasitic infections
6) Introduction to medical entomology
7) Diagnostic methods and antimicrobial therapy