Advanced Studies in Conservation I
This curricular unit aims, on one hand, to deepen the subjects taught in previous units, and on the other, to address relevant subjects for the area of Conservation and Restoration.
If the Scientific Committee considers appropriate, at the end of the first year of the PhD Program, workshops and seminars will be organized by national and international experts as an intensive summer course.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria João Seixas de Melo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 37
Teaching language
Depending on the topics that are to be adopted, specific requirements will be defined, normally related to the approval of curricular units taught at the undergraduate and master''''s level
The recommended bibliography will depend on the topics chosen in each edition of the curricular unit, usually consisting of advanced textbooks (if any) and scientific articles.
Teaching method
Seminars and workshops managed by specialists in specific subjects that might be the research focus of the doctoral projects (see Each coordinator will decide on the evaluation method he / she considers most appropriate
Evaluation method
At least one written evaluation must exist; this written test may be a development question, a report, the abstract for submission to a congress or another that the coordinator selects. The student will be assessed as approved or not approved
Subject matter
The exact configuration of this curricular unit will generally vary from year to year, according to the availability of the academic staff, being organized by modules, which will facilitate that professors and researchers invited by the department will teach in this unit some classes focused on the subjects in which they are specialists (not excluding their potential contribution to previous optional disciplines).
Programs where the course is taught: