Design of Solar and Photovoltaic Plants
Available soon
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Miguel Murta Pina
Weekly - 4
Total - 60
Teaching language
This course requires the following previous knowledge:
- Electromagnetism.
- Electrical circuits'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' theory.
- Consolidated notions of electrical charge, current, voltage, power and energy.
To the students of the Integrated MSc Course in Electrical and Computers Engineering:
- This course is not available for those who are participating (or already completed) the Technology of Renewable Energies course, from MIEEC.
Gilbert M. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, John Wiley&Sons, 2013 (Clip)
Christiana Honsberg and Stuart Bowden,
"Planning and installing photovoltaic systems: a guide for installers, architects and engineers", manual from GREENPRO project, 2004 (freely available on the Internet)
"Planning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems: A guide for installers, architects and engineers", manual from GREENPRO project, 2004 (freely available on the Internet)
C. Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics, Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, 2nd Ed., PHI Learning, 2011
J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 4th Ed., Wiley, 2013
A. Luque and S. Hegedus, Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 2011
Stuart R Wenham, Martin A Green, Muriel E Watt, Richard Corkish, “Applied Photovoltaics”, Earthscan, 2006.
Teaching method
The distinct concepts, techniques and theories are explained by the lecturer with the support of slides and demonstrators implemented in Matlab/Simulink. These are prepared for the classes by the lecturer, and the latter allow verifying or analysing distinct behaviours and operation regimes. Students also carry out experimental measurements, that allows a real contact with the different technologies.
Students assess their skills through semiautonomous resolution of sets of problems, available in the slides.
Evaluation is made by means of three tests or final exam (60% of final grade) and a group project (up to three elements, 40% of final grade). Average grade of tests/exam and project grade must be 10 minimum.
Evaluation method
Three tests, T1 to T3, or a final exam, E
A final project, P
Final grade: 10%T1 + 25%T2 + 25%T3 + 40%P (with T3>=7)
or: 605%E + 40%P
Frequency: minimum grade of 10 in both components (weighted average of tests or exam, and project), attending the talks and/or laboratory demonstrations.
Subject matter
• Solar resource.
• Solar thermal for water and air heating.
• Concentrated solar power.
• Semiconducting materials and photovoltaic conversion.
• Specific aspects of photovoltaic inverters.
• Grid tied systems.
• Off-grid systems with energy storage.
• Building integrated photovoltaics.
• Economic and financial aspects of photovoltaic plants.
• Regulatory framework and design guidelines.
• Operation and maintenance of photovoltaic plants.
• Impact of photovoltaic plants on the electric grid.
• Innovation in solar technologies.