Food Quality II


Identify the quality parameters of products of animal origin and the factors that influence them throughout the production, transformation and distribution processes of these food products.

Analyze the contribution of innovation to the quality of products of animal origin and to the sustainability of the industries involved in their production and distribution.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Margarida Boavida Pontes Gonçalves


Weekly - 4

Total - 70

Teaching language



Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry and biology.


Cesarettin Alasalvar, Tony Taylor (Eds.) (2002) Seafoods - Technology, Quality and Nutraceutical Applications, Springer, 1st Ed. (ISBN-10: 3-5404-2476-8)

A. M. Pearson, T. R. Dutson (1995) Quality Attributes and Their Measurement in Meat, Poultry and Fish Products (Advances in Meat Research) Springer, 1st Ed. (ISBN-10: 0-8342-1305-2)

Susan E. Ebeler, Gary R. Takeoka, Peter Winterhalter (2006) Authentication of Food and Wine (Acs Symposium) Oxford University Press, USA (ISBN-10: 0-8412-3965-7)

Nielsen, S. S. (2003) Food Analysis (Food Science Texts Series) Springer (Ed.), 3rd Ed., 536 pp (ISBN 0306474956) 

Belitz, H. D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P. (2009) Food Chemistry, 4th Ed., Springer (Publs), 1071 pp. (ISBN 354069935X)

Teaching method

Theoretical sessions with presentations. Practical laboratory sessions. Sessions to support student work. Weekly update of study elements and consultation on the subject page on the Moodle Platform.

Evaluation method

Frequency of this curricular unit is ensured by attendance at at least 2/3 of the practical classes and delivery of reports on the practical work carried out.

Continuous assessment with 3 elements of evaluation: 2 mini-tests (30% each) and 1 practical grade corresponding to 40% of the final grade (20% each pratical report + 20% reports presentation and discussion). Final grade:  weighted average of the 3 elements of evaluation. Approval with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

Assessment through Final Examination (for obtaining approval or improving classification) comprises 2 elements of evaluation: examination of appeal (60%) and practical grade(40%). Final grade: weighted average of the 2 elements of evaluation. Approval with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

Subject matter

General concepts of food product quality.

Quality of meat products and derivatives: nutritional composition, color, texture, water retention capacity, juiciness, aroma, flavor. Influence of production factors and quality preservation methods.

Egg quality: nutritional composition, quality of shell, yolk and white. Influence of production factors and quality preservation methods.

Quality of milk and dairy products: nutritional composition, color, aroma and flavor. Influence of production factors and quality preservation methods.

Quality of fish and shellfish: nutritional composition, color, texture, water retention capacity, juiciness, aroma, flavor. Influence of production factors and quality preservation methods.

European and national bodies and legislation relevant to the tracking and quality assurance of foods of animal origin.

Innovation and sustainability in the food production industries of animal origin.


Programs where the course is taught: