Management Systems for Food Security


 The students should learn the fundamental principles of Food Safety Risk Analysis. They should acquire knowledge, skills and expertise to 1) design and implement HACCP systems in food industries, 2) Certified food industries according to the main standards for certification.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Paula Amaro de Castilho Duarte


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Basic background on microbiology and toxicology.


FAO/WHO (2006) Food Safety Risk Analysis – A guide for national food safety authorities. FAO – Food and Nutrition, paper 87.

Jay JM, Loessner MJ & Golden DA (2005) Modern food microbiology. 7ª Edição, Springer Science, NovaYork, EUA, 790 pp, (ISBN 0-387-23180-3).

FAO/WHO (2023) General Principles of Food Hygiene. Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice, No.CXC 1-1969. Codex Alimentarius Commission. Rome. S.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical sessions to solve problems. Working sessions, presentations and discussions. 

Evaluation method

Practical component: hand in and discussion of one team work (grade of 20 values).

Evaluation of theoretical component: 2 Tests (each one 35% to the final grade). Weighted average of the 2 elements of evaluation must be equal or higher than 9.5 values (scale of 20). Final exame if fail, succed with a minimum mark 9.5 values (grade of 20 values).

Final classification: 70% of the classification obtained in theoretical component (tests or final exame) and 30% of the classification obtain in pratical component.  Succed with a minimum mark 9.5 values (grade of 20 values).

Frequency is obtained with the elaboration and discussion of the team work (pratical component)

- Improvement of the classification requires a registration in the schedule examination period. The classification of the practical component cannot be improved and follows in the next year.

Subject matter

1) Quality Management Systems for food industries: pre requirements program and the HACCP plan.

2) Standards for food industries certification: ISO 9001:2015; ISO 22000:2018; FSSC22000; BRC (British Retail Consortium) version 8; IFS Food version 7.

3) Food safety and evaluation of dangers and risk in the European Union. The official controls, the RASFF system and  the process of food risk analysis. Establishment of acceptable intake.


Programs where the course is taught: