Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy


-  To get insight into applied research areas, innovation, experimental development, new technologies, with the main goal of recognizing fundamental research as relevant

- Contribute to technical background of top qualified experts to participate in several professional activities requiring underlying physical support

-  Teaching solid experimental up-to-date achievements on themes related to fundamental and applied physics

- Stressing particular physical phenomena which are relevant within the context of radiation biology, radiotherapy with the particular attention to biomolecular damage, dissociative electron attachment and charge transfer to biological molecules, among many others

-  To promote capabilities allowing for independent scientific research on Atomic and Molecular Physics context

- To recognize the advantage of interlinking several research areas with Atomic and Molecular Physics, e.g. with Chemistry, Biophysics, Medical Physics, Instrumentation, Technology, among many others.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Manuel Assis Loureiro Limão Vieira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 63

Teaching language



There are no formal requirements since it depends on the students background.


Book chapters from:

Physics of Atoms and Molecules

B. H. Brandsen and C. C. Joachain

Prentice Hall, 2002

ISBN: 978-0582356924


Introduction to the Structure of Matter

John J. Brehm and William J. Mullin

John Wiley & Sons, 1989

ISBN: 0-471-60531-X


Gaseous Molecular Ions

E. Illenberger and J. Momigny

Springer-Verlag New York, 1992

ISBN: 3-7985-0870-4


Atomic and Molecular Clusters

Roy L. Johnston

Taylor & Francis, 2002

ISBN: 0-7484-0931-9

Teaching method

The present lecture course aims at promoting and encourages students to get particular active in order to develop their capabilities on a scientific background, which can be achieved with the supervision of the lecturer(s). The contents will be presented in a way to allow different learning chances, which in turn means having a constant flux of questions and answers to be delivered. Throughout the lecture course on a regular basis: a) asking questions to students about the different contents and problems’ solving, b) clarify any doubts on less attainable concepts and c) encourage active oral participation. Though we believe this will allow a straight relationship between students and lecturer(s). The evaluation process will accommodate information about students’ motivation and active participation, preparing a writen and oral presentation on one of the tiopics included in the curricular structure. If applicable, a written examination will be delivered.

Evaluation method

The evaluation process will accommodate information about students’ motivation and active participation, preparing a written and oral presentation on one of the topics included in the curricular structure. If applicable, a written examination will be delivered.

Subject matter

Course content is based on a set of scientific research themes, which are designed to be complementary to other lecture modules of the PhD programme. Taking in account an advanced and up-to-date nature the presented themes include: - Interactions – classical and quantum description (5 h); - Hydrogen-like and polyatomic atoms  (5 h); - Molecular physics: photon, electron and (heavy) ion interactions with biomolecules (8 h); -Theoretical/experimental achievements with biomolecules (5 h); - Introduction to atomic and molecular clusters (5 h).